Chapter Six

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ew gross selfie above bc y'all have no clue what I look like I need to post this before I can regret it k bye im sorry

"Honestly, this was even better than expected", Felix panted as he let himself fall onto the bed next to me. I didn't say anything in response. I was almost regretting hooking up with him, although I had enjoyed it, not gonna lie. The thing was, I couldn't stop thinking about Kellin.

Kellin and I had had sex once and it had been the best thing ever. (there was no smut, I just kind of hinted at it briefly in the second last chapter or so of in reality)

It was two weeks after Kellin had stayed with me and Jaime and he had gone back home. I knew I should've thought of that earlier, but I obviously didn't so I just had to deal with it for now. It sucked, although we texted quite a lot. As far as I had heard, he had patched things up with Katelynne, too and they were back together. I still didn't get why he would be so forgiving and everything. But hey - it was none of my business.

I used all of my time to focus on my apprenticeship and work, because I had a feeling that Jaime would move in with Karin soon. Yes, they hadn't been dating for long at all, but their relationship was moving a bit too fast anyway, if you asked me. Nobody asked me, though and I wasn't about to argue with my best friend and roommate for absolutely no reason. It would just cause even more unnecessary stress.

While everything was stressing me out, I found a way to get rid of the stress, though. It was kind of pathetic but had a lot of advantages, for example it being fun and I got some exercise.

"Do you wanna spend the night?", Felix asked me after a while of silence. I contemplated it for a few seconds. Jaime would probably have Karin over and I wouldn't mind having someone next to me at night every once in a while, so I nodded, "Why not?"
He turned his head to face me and smiled, "Great."

Felix wasn't ugly, he really wasn't. He had short blonde hair, and light brown eyes. His face had a few freckles here and there but it looked cute on him and his body was toned. Yeah, he was definitely not unattractive.

It wasn't really late yet, though and I wasn't that exhausted so I wasn't gonna sleep right away. "Do you want something to eat or drink or something?", Felix asked me.

I had always thought he was a total asshole, but surprisingly enough he was actually a pretty decent guy. He was polite and kind and I felt like he could be really funny if he wanted to, too. Except for his extreme straight-forwardness, there wasn't really anything about
him that bothered me very much.

"Yeah, something to drink would be really cool.", I told him and got up, slipping my boxers and pants back on. I stayed shirtless for two reasons. One being the fact that I didn't really know where I had thrown my shirt in the heat of the moment and the other one being that I just didn't feel like wearing a shirt.

I went to the bathroom while Felix went to get us some water from the kitchen. I eyed myself in the small mirror and took notice of the bunch of hickeys that went from right under my ear down to my lower chest. They were a dark purple and seriously hurt a bit. It surprised me that I had even gotten any hickeys in the first place, because usually they would be non-existent or barely visible due to my darker skin color. I just didn't bruise easily.

I stepped out again, right when Felix reentered the room. He handed me a glass of water and I thanked him, drinking it up rather quickly.

Felix's apartment was really nice. It was modern and clean and everything. His parents were pretty rich apparently and had gotten him this when he moved out.

We sat back on the bed and Felix turned on the TV. He flicked through the channels for a while before settling on some pointless "reality" show with a sigh.

I leaned on the headboard as we watched TV in silence. I glanced over to Felix briefly, to see him staring at me. I looked back at the TV, pretending to pay attention whatever the hell the stupid rich and wannabe-celebrity-people were doing.

I could sense Felix still staring at me, though, so I looked over at him, "What's up?", I asked quietly. "Nothing, I'm just... Uh, thinking."

"About what?", I asked, being my annoyingly curious self. "Hey, um, is it okay for me to kiss you when we're not having sex?", Felix replied with a very blunt question.

I shrugged, "I guess so. I mean, there's nothing bad about kissing as long as this stays a "fuck buddies" kind of thing for the time being." He nodded, "Yeah, I agree."
Only a few seconds passes before Felix grabbed my face and kissed me. He was a good kisser, I had to admit that - he wasn't Kellin, though.

Suddenly my phone rang and we stopped for a second so I could check who was calling me. "Oh, for fuck's sake", I groaned as I saw my brothers name on the display, but picked up anyway.

"Hey Mikey, what's up?"
"Hey, we're having this family thing in like two weeks, mom's going crazy about it and made me call you for it. Anyway, she wants you to talk to abuela and abuelo and take them with you when you come down here. Obviously we can hardly invite grandma and grandpa over for a few days, but papa wanted to see his parents and mom is still freaking out about them not liking her-"

"Mike, I love you and all, but get to the point, I'm kind of busy right now. I'm calling abuela later and asking her, okay? I'll text you what they said."

"Ew, you were fucking, weren't you? Speaking of fucking, I have so much to tell you when you come here, but anyway, you obviously have business to get to. Love you, bro."
"I really do not need to know about that... But yeah, I'll talk to you later, love you too."
We hung up and I sighed, placing my phone back onto the nightstand.

"Sorry about that.", I apologized to Felix. "Who was that?", he asked with a strange edge to his voice. "Uh, my brother", I said simply. "Ah."

Later that day, I called my Mexican grandparents and made them agree to staying with my parents for a bit. It was almost midnight when me and Felix decided to go to sleep.

I kept a respectful distance, but he wasn't having any of that. He shuffled closer and wrapped his arms around me, so that we were basically spooning. "Is this fine?", he whispered. I nodded and he sighed contently as his grip on me tightened slightly.


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