Chapter Four

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Three days later, I was with Kellin again, sitting in the food court, talking. "Um", Kellin began awkwardly, "I really hate to bring this up... I mean, we were in high school after all, that was four years ago... But what the hell happened back then?"

"What do you mean?", I asked. He cleared his throat, "I mean when you cheated on me but sort of broke up before that and then said you technically couldn't cheat on me... All of that shit.", he explained.

"Oh. Um... Well, Katelynne used to be literally obsessed with you, right?"
"Still is", he muttered, nodding. I chose to ignore that comment and go on, "She didn't like me spending time with you and was good friends with Jenna-"

Kellin cut me off, "Wait Jenna was the chick you cheated with, right?"
I shook my head, "Yes... Anyway, Katelynne somehow set Jenna up to try to get me to sleep with her... Which I have to admit, worked and I was a total stupid dick. I didn't know that Katelynne set that shit up in the first place, back then, though. Jenna agreed because... I don't even know, she was kind of stupid and liked me apparently. I thought it'd be easier if you found out when we weren't dating... I know it was stupid... I wanted to explain but you wouldn't listen...", I took a deep breath, "But it's all in the past, right?"

"Woah, hold the fuck up. Katelynne started all of that?"

I nodded slowly, "Well, yeah."
He let out a dry, short laugh, "This is fucking insane."
"It is... High school drama, I guess."


I had just laid down in my bed when the doorbell rang. I groaned in annoyance and buried my face in my pillow, waiting for Jamie to open the door for me, since he was still up.

Jamie obviously did open the door and after a few minutes he yelled: "Vic? It's Kellin!" Why would Kellin come to my house at this time? And why did he know where I lived?

I quickly got out of bed and rushed to the door. Kellin was standing there - he was crying. I instantly stepped forward and hugged him tightly, "What's wrong?", I asked. "K-Katelynne broke up with me and I- I don't know what is happening, she- she said she had found somebody new or something and- and I-"

I rubbed his back comfortingly, shushing him,  "It will be fine", I said, "You can stay here for the time being."

Jamie just watched us awkwardly. "Can I close the door now?", he asked. "Oh yeah, right. Sorry", Kellin said, stepping inside. I motioned for him to follow me into my room which he did. "You can sleep here I'll take the couch.", I offered. He looked a bit indecisive for a moment before asking: "Can I just stay here... with you?"

I nodded, crawling into my bed with Kellin. "Goodnight, Kells."
"Night, Vic."


"Nobody gives a fuck. I feel like I'm everyone's cheap umbrella.", Kellin cried. It was 3am and he couldn't sleep, so I decided to stay up with him. "What?", I ask, not understanding the metaphor.

"I'm everyone's two dollar umbrella. They pull me out from the wherever they threw me last time, use me to get through the rain and then stuff me back into their closet, not looking at me until the next rainy day. I'm so sick of it, Vic. I'm so sick of it."

"I still care about you, Kells. I've always been there and I always will be. I love you, wether that be as more than a friend or not. I love you and I care. Never forget that."


a/n: sorry if this all seems so rushed and shitty but you have to trust me on this I needed all of this to happen for the story

I love you guys

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