Chapter Nine

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(I'll be changing the 'four years later' to two years later bc idk four years is a bit too much although it would be more realistic idk bye)

I sat in the hospital, waiting for my test results and bouncing my leg up and down in a nervous manner. Jaime was with me. He placed his hand on my knee.

"Stop doing that. You're making me nervous, too." I sighed and stopped. As if on cue, the doctor that had tested me walked into the room.

"Mr. Fuentes? I've got the results. He sat down behind the desk and looked at me through his thick glasses. My heart was thumping so loudly, I was afraid everyone in a three-mile radius might be able to hear it.

"Well, the good news is, it's not lung cancer."

I let out a sigh of relief in sync with Jaime. That definitely was good news.

"However, you do have Goodpasture's syndrome. It is a very rare disease. It's actually pretty complicated, but to put it simply, it makes the immune system attack the healthy parts of your body, because it mistakes them for something harmful, including lungs and kidney, which is why you've been urinating and coughing up blood. The thing is, nobody knows how long it will take to go away. It can last from a few weeks up to two years. Normally, the lung recovers quickly and isn't a very big problem. However, you might suffer from a long-term kidney damage that might lead to failure and might also require dialysis. As to what kind of treatment is possible, I can only suggest medication that slows down your immune system until the syndrome has faded or disappeared completely. Those are be called immunosuppressive drugs. Obvious consequences will be that you'll be extremely sensitive to common viruses like the flu or a simple cold."

Me and Jaime were both silent for a bit, trying to take everything in, until he spoke up first.

"But... Can he like, die and shit?"

"Well, it is not to be expected, but it is, in fact, possible.", the doctor stated.

"Okay. What medication will I have to take and how much is it gonna be?", I asked, my voice shaking slightly. I was kind of really broke at that time. I mean, what was to expect from a part-time job at Taco Bell?

The doctor went on with explaining what exactly I could do against the syndrome with the strange name. Another possibility was some kind of medication that was supposed to help the bleeding in my lungs, that were damaged.

He got me some pain killers and antibiotics until I could pick up the rest of the medication a day later.


The next day, around 1pm Kellin called.

"Hey, Vic. I just arrived here and, uh, maybe you wanted to go grab some lunch?"

I smiled, and agreed to meeting him at the nearest mall in half an hour.


"Why are you being so distant?", Kellin asked me seriously. "I'm not distant...", I mumbled.

"Don't give me that bullshit, I've known you for a couple of days, Vic. Tell me what's up."

I didn't say anything for a good five minutes. Kellin sighed.

"I love you."

I didn't even think when I said that, but quite frankly, I did not regret it.

"You're telling me this now?", Kellin replied after a minute of silence, "Vic... It's been two years... I... I... I can't really say that I still love you."

I seriously hadn't expected a different answer from him. It stung a bit, but I had been prepared. "That's okay", I said, "I just wanted to tell you... Not telling you felt like lying. Anyway, sorry."

"But... But if you're willing to, I'd love to give the... uh, us another try.", he mumbled, blushing the slightest bit. I nodded, trying to bite back the huge grin wanting to spread across my face. "Yes. Yes, I'd like that."

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