Chapter Seven

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this took me ages but I forced myself to write bc I feel bad for not updating I love you guys

(It's a week later)

I woke up in the middle of the night. My chest felt like someone was sitting on it, I couldn't breathe. Well, I could, but it was hard and it hurt my entire upper body.

My body decided to add some violent coughing and gasping for breath, just for fun. I didn't want to wake up Jaime and Karin, so I covered my mouth with my hands, trying to muffle the loud noises.

I went to the bathroom and drank some tab water. Even swallowing it hurt my throat, but I thought, that it was just from all the coughing now. My stomach started churning and I dropped to my knees just in time to throw up into the toilet, that was already opened (thankfully). I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see my vomit, knowing I'd literally throw up just from the sight.

I got up and wiped the corners of my mouth with toilet paper. When I was about to flush, I saw that my vomit was just water and blood. Blood.

Why blood, though? I didn't know if I was supposed to be shocked, or surprised, or anything at all. I had read, that coughing blood can come from coughing violently, too. That must be it, I thought.

My head was pounding and I brushed my teeth for approximately twenty minutes, returning to my bed with an uneasy feeling in my gut. I didn't know wether it was the throwing up or not.


The next morning, I was fine, just as nothing had happened. I ate, showered, worked, hooked up with Felix and came back home. It was a pretty boring day to say the least, Jaime wasn't there and Kellin wasn't texting me.

I decided to text him first.

"Hey Kells how're you?", I typed. After only a minute, I got a reply: "I'm okay I guess. Sorry for not talking stuff is stressing me out a lot. Hby?"

I frowned. What stuff could he be talking about? I was seriously hoping Katelynne, but I kind of doubted that. I mean, he had out up with her for almost four damn years. Why would their relationship suddenly turn to shit as soon as we had gotten back in touch?

Oh god, right. He's my ex.

I had been spending quite some time with Felix and I felt like he was the one breaking the only rule. "Keep it casual. No strings attached. No feelings.", that's what he had told me a thousand times, yet he was doing so much cute stuff and holding my hand and cuddling me, as though we weren't just fuck buddies.

Honestly, I had wanted to talk to him about it for quite a while, but never actually did. Partially because I wanted to avoid major (and unnecessary awkwardness) and partially because it was kind of nice.

Kellin and I texted back and forth for a while and it had me having flashbacks of our high school years. It made me sad, that we had... Well, he had thrown it all away, although it had been my fault too.

I shouldn't have been grieving about the past. What's past was past and I couldn't do shit about it anymore, so it was best for everyone (including myself) to just let it go and look forward.

I knew I didn't really have a chance getting back together with Kellin, so I never got my hopes up very high.

However, he called me the next night, sobbing and slurring his words together. I was completely clueless as to what to do, considering I was hours away from Michigan and even if I wasnt, I couldn't understand him.

"Kellin. Kellin, babe, you need to calm down, okay? I can't understand what you're saying.", I said softly, figuring the pet name wouldn't hurt, especially when he was drunk.

He hiccups, "Did- Did you just seriously call me 'babe'?" I smiled slightly, "I guess I did. What's wrong, though? Why are you calling and most importantly, why are you crying?"

At that, his short moment of not-crying came to an end and he started sobbing all over again. It sounded like he was crying so much, that he was struggling to breathe, almost painful. The mental image of that made me frown even more.

"Sh, it's okay. You don't have to cry. Just tell me what's going on. I'll listen, I promise."

After a few more minutes of me trying (and having quite a hard time) calming him down, he was finally able to speak.

"My dad, Vic... My dad", he sobbed, "He's- he's dead, Vic. Just dead! How am I supposed to- I can't- I need to-" then he mumbled something incoherent, "They were in our fucking bed, Vic. In ours. That fucking hurts, and I'm so disgusted. Four years, Vic! Four years and countless shit for absolutely fuckin' nothing!"

So he was talking about Katelynne. Katelynne was the least of my worries, though. I couldn't believe that his father was supposed to be dead. I could barely imagine the pain Kellin must have been going through. I knew him and his dad were pretty close, he lived somewhere around here too...

"Hey, Vic, right?", a vaguely familiar voice suddenly rang through my phone. "Yeah?"
"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Darryl. I'm taking Kellin home now, so don't worry. Thanks for trying to help, he's all over the place."

I was about to reply, when I heard a faint voice, "Can you tell him, tha- that I love him, please, a-and that I'm so sorry?"

"Kellin apparently loves you and he is sorry.", Darryl said in a tone of voice that made me feel like I had done something wrong. "Although I don't know what he's apologizing for, tell him it's okay and I love him to."

He told Kellin what I had said in a monotone and hung up wordlessly. I sighed falling back onto my back. My heart ached for Kellin.

It hurt, that he only said these things when he wasn't thinking clear. I mean, I wasn't going to complain, but I knew he didn't mean it, and that really sucked.

It hurt so much, that I could feel my stomach do flips of the bad kind and my chest tightening.

I also knew that that could not have been just a heartache.

//lmao 13k views on in reality fuck me//

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