Could this be? (Part Three)

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.this part will also show some Zoe buuut.!-will definitely include her and Cody....rate...comment...enjoy..!-&&keep reading...!

 While scrolling through my playlists', finding the right one I was looking for, I hooked my iPod up to its' docking station and rested my head on my pillow. The first song to blast from my speakers' was 'My Heart-Paramore'. I couldn't think straight as the tears flowed down my cheeks again and I quickly wiped them away again as I sat up at looked at the locket dangling from my dresser, still revealing my mothers' beautiful face as it swung back and forth.

I got up in disguist as it stopped swinging and revealed my dads' smile plastered on his face. I took the locket and threw it across the room; I turned my head as I heard it hit the wood somewhere with a silent 'clang'. Anger grew somewhere deep inside of me as the memories came back, bad, horrible memories. Memories staring from when he started touching me five years ago, to my first child and seeing his innocent face, to the memories of my two painful miscarriages. He deliberately gave me that locket for a purpose, to taunt me, because what kind of sick-twisted bastard molests his daughter then goes and gives her something that reminds her of the good times before everything went shitty wrong.

I couldn't be here, I couldn't resist myself from going in there and tearing him apart piece by piece, just like he did me for all those horrible years. I opened my window and immediately dashed down the street to the only place that could calm me down. When I got to the park near the mall I called Cody......

~~phone call~~

"Zoe, hey what's up?", he asked.

I sighed a deep breath as I fumbled with the words to say; I wanted to hang up but my mind told me to tell him to come to me.

"Umm...yeah, hey could you meet at this park.", I said.

I heard movement then a thud as he hissed, "Shit, umm...sure yeah here I come, which park are you at?"

"There's not really a name for it, I found it one day with my mot...." A memory wanted to force its' way into my mind but I blocked it out and continued, "It's near the mall, it's in walking distance so you can meet me there and we'll walk back here." 

I heard a door open and shut as an engine roared to life and he replied, "I'll be there soon, just don't do anything stupid Zoe." I let out a sniffle as I started to hang up then I heard him muffle something. I looked at the screen, noticing he hadn't hung up, then pulled the phone back up to my face, and asked, "What?"

"I said are you sure you're ok, I heard you sniffle, are you crying?" I ignored his question as tears started to fall and I replied, "I'll be in the front of the mall by the 'Domo' poster." With that I hung up and then the memory overwhelmed me.


"Zoe slow down!", she yelled as I ran through the brush and trees that surrounded us. I slowed down when I saw the wonderful place that would soon be 'our wonderland, our planet'. "Mommy, mommy push me!", I yelled as I ran towards the swings. My mother followed in pursuit but stopped to intake what she saw before her. "It's beautiful Zoe, how'd you know this was here?", she asked. I just looked at her, smiled, and said, "I don't know, I just felt like exploring one day and it was here."

My mom walked over towards me and chuckled as I whined impatiently, "Push me now mommy!" She began to push me and I promised myself that I would always cherish this moment. Unfortunately, that was the first and last time we ever went there because a couple days after my seventh birthday she became sick and never had enough energy to go back to 'our wonderland, our planet'.


I had just made it to the steps when a black '68 Ford Mustang Convertible pulled into the parking lot. I watched as Cody put the car in park, jumped out with a 'Domo' teddy bear,and ran towards me. "What's that for?", I asked, eyeing the teddy bear tucked under his arm. He didn't speak as he eyed me up and down; a smirk played upon his lips as he looked me in the eyes. I couldn't help but blush and smile back as I playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Come on, tell me what that's for?", I asked again, only this time smiling. He held the 'Domo' out for me and yelped, "I love Domo!"

I laughed as I remembered that being one of the few things' I had told him earlier today and said, "You remembered." He smiled again and said, "I mean, it was only like four hours ago Zoe, now where is this secret park of yours?" I grabbed the 'Domo' and his wrist and led him towards the secret entrance of a place I once found seldom peace in. Cody took in the amazing sight as he joined me on the swing set. We sat there in silence as Cody stared in awe at all the stars twinkling around us until I broke the ice and said, "Cody...."

Cody looked towards me, a smile playing on his face, and said, "Zoe..." I couldn't help but smile at the way he turned things around, remembering what I wanted to say it all slipped out and I blurted, "You like me Cody but why, why are you so interested in me?" Cody looked at and started to say something when I blurted, yet again, "Do you know why people stare at me, do you know why Brittany and those girls' all love bullying on me, do you know what I did to myself last year?" I asked all these questions uncontrollably, not stopping to let him answer.

I took in a deep breath as I pulled myself together and looked straight at him, he looked up towards the stars then pulled me down to lay on the grass with him. "Zoe, everyone knows what you did last year, people still talk about it, but I really don't care, as long as you're better now and you're not thinking about that stuff anymore." I started to say something when his lips crashed onto mine, his lips moved in sync with mine and as I pulled him closer into me, wanting him more, I felt his lips part mine as he pulled away. "You need to know that I care about you and really don't care what anyone says, you need to trust and believe me when I say I wanna be with you Zoe, will you be my girlfriend?", he asked. I lay there looking into those bright green eyes, comparing them to the stars, and yet with the stars shining bright they could'nt compare.

"Yes!", I squealed as I pulled him down to kiss me again. I wanted his lips to stay on mine forever, for us to mesh into each other. I laughed to myself as I thought, yeah Zoe, way to keep your cool, you just practically squealed, showing how desperate you are.

I couldn't help it, I was happy because at this moment I didn't care.........I, Zoe Denise Stewart, had a boyfriend!

.hope you guys enjoyed.....I surely loved it.....sssooo....rate...comment...&&tell me watcha think..!-xD


all rights reserved @trevgoesrawrwriter

all rights reserved to Tre'via Blount  

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