Zoe's P.O.V

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.thanks to you all for supporting me&&sticking w/the story....well...here's an update...sorry been reaaaaaalyyyyy..!-busy...sssooo..vote.,comment.,&&fan....:D

"You might want to put some ice on your cheek." I heard a faint voice say. As I felt hands tighten around mine I gripped the firm hand weakly and fluttered my eyes open to see Cody looking down at me. Cody adjusted himself in his seat and when the light hit his face I could see his beautiful face.

I could see his bright blue eyes, his amazing black hair, and strong but soft facial features. I lifted my hand to touch his cheek, he winced slightly, then became calm under my touch. I noticed that Cody's cheek was a faint shade of pink and there was a noticeable fading hand print there too. "What happened?", I asked, referring to his cheek. "You fainted in the school hallways Zoe", he said, obviously thinking I had asked why I was in a hospital.

Realization hit me and I noticed that I was in a hospital and panic hit me as I gripped my stomach. "Oh my gosh Cody, is the baby ok?", I asked. Cody managed to calm and lay me down then said, "The baby's fine Zoe, you just have to rest for a while that's all." I weakly smiled as I heard that my baby was ok. My stomach churned as I sat up a little too quickly; I looked for a trash can as I said, "I have to puke."

My dad brought me the trash can quickly and just as he handed it to me I puked my guts out into it. After I was finished I said, "Thanks", and as gross as this may sound, I had gotten extremely hungry. "Hey umm...dad, could you get me something to eat?", I asked him. He looked at me then left and when I was sure he was gone I scooted over. "Come here", I told Cody, wanting him to lie down with me.

Cody layed his head on my chest and before I could say anything he said, "Zoe, I know I'm not going through the same things you were and are going through but I'm here with you and I'm going to be here for you." I kissed Cody's forehead and said, "You don't know Cody; you don't know how badly I want to hate this baby." Cody scoot down lower to where he was near my stomach as he said, "Zoe, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you or this baby. I love the both of you and I don't want you ending up here in this place again until it's time for the baby to come."

He kissed my stomach and as he leant up to try and kiss me I remembered the second reason as to why I sent my dad out in the first place. "Cody what happened to your cheek?", I asked, pushing him back. Cody got off the bed and looked to the floor as he mumbled something. "What?", I asked.

He opened his mouth to speak when my dad walked in, carrying a tray full of food. "I brought you some jello, two turkey sandwiches, baked cheetos, and some water", he said, standing there. "Thanks Dad", I said, suprising Cody, my dad, and even myself. He stood there stunned for a while until I said, "Excuse me, pregnant girl hungry." When he came to he handed me the tray of food and they both watched as I devoured every content. Just as I had got done eating the nurse came in to check on me. "When can I leave!", I blurted out, anxiously. The nurse sighed as she turned towards my dad and said, "She can leave tomorrow morning and next week she can have her check-up with her OBGYN to make sure everything is going the way we want them to." My dad shook his head, yes I understanding as the nurse exited the room. "I guess i'll see you then", he said, before turning and leaving the room.

As Cody came over and layed in the small hospital bed with me he said, "She was grouchy." "Did you see her totally blow me off?", I asked him, smiling. "Could totally tell that she was obviously pissed off." A few hours had passed as Cody and I talked about what happened in the locker room with Brittany. We were interrupted when the nurse came in and said, "Here is a list of gynecologists that work in your area. Just in case somethin happens and you can't reach your OBGYN. You'll also need to take these vitamins during your week of bedrest." As Cody reached for the lists' the nurse pulled them back and said," Visiting hours are over." She handed the lists' to Cody after he had turned around, kissed me, and said, "Pick you up tomorrow morning." After the nurse walked Cody out I soon fell asleep from exhaustion.

The next morning after Cody had picked me up from the hospital I was anxious to get home and eat some real food. When we got in the house Cody's parents were there standing in the kitchen, eyes blaring and faces worried. Cody and I had just approached the opposite side of the kitchen and they just started throwing questions our way. Figuring this was the time to tell them I said, "Mr. and Mrs. Fox I know you all have done so much for me and I'm not that fond of the idea and you aren't going to be either. " They stood there silent, immediately mute, so I continued, "I already decided on what I'm going to do when the time comes." As they stood there frozen, dumbfounded as to what I was talking about I blurted, "I'm pregnant." As soon as the words left my lips I felt relieved but I watched as a stunned Mrs. Fox took it all in. "I thought I told you 'NO SEX'," Cody's dad yelled at him. I watched as Cody began to argue with his father and his mother mumbled silent prayers to herself. All the yelling and mumbling made the room spin and as I started to fall I gripped the counter to balance myself. "Please listen", I demanded nauseously. The more they continued their ranting the more dizzier I felt. "Stop, please listen!", I yelled, weakly. When they all looked at me I took that time to take a breath. "Please, stop the argueing; the room is becoming dizzy and you three aren't making it any better."

"Don't worry, Cody didn't knock up up the charity case. It's my dads'," I said, with a hint of venom to the last words I spoke. Mrs. Fox gasped in shock as Mr. Fox dumbfoundedly looked at Cody in shame. Mr. Fox began to speak when Cody cut him off saying, "Save it. I'm taking Zoe to rest."


all rights reserved @trevgoesrawrwriter

all rights reserved to Tre'via Blount  

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