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.sorry for the delay...I don't want to lie&&say i've been busy...all I did was go see HP7(all you HP fans understand).,have a family reunion.,&&hang out w/my ex byfriend...other then that I've been a lazy cow..!-:)-i love you all for the support....keep it up..!-vote..comment.,&&fan....!-xD-scoosh...{that word is part of tre'viaa not attempt to steal..!}

A few days had passed and Cody now had me attending a group teen therapy session. I guess it was ok but I still didn't feel comfortable opening up and discussing me and my dads' relationship.

I walked through the door to Codys' house and as I made my way to the kitchen he was there, where I knew he would be, making himself a sandwich. When he saw me he smiled and said, "Hey babe." I returned the smile as I placed a kiss on his cheek. "How was group?", he asked, curiously. "That's confidential mister", I said, teasing. I started to walk towards his room when I felt hands wrap around my waist. I felt the warmth of his breath against my neck as he said, "You can tell me anything Zoe." I shook my head 'NO' and said, "I told you I can't Cody."

Cody began gripping my waist and placing kisses on my neck; clearly not giving up. I let out a silent moan as his hands caressed my body and he started to sucking my neck. I turned around; facing him; letting my lips crash into his. As the kiss intensified Cody picked me up and put me on the counter. I squealed giddily before returning to the kiss. I smiled and looked down at Codys' obvious boner. Cody smiled against my lips before kissing me again pulling me closer towards him. I let out yet another silent moan as he began grinding against me. I pulled back and hopped off the counter as I took off running, leaving Cody with a baffled expression.

Cody recovered from his shock as he ran after me; it wasn't long before he caught me but afterwards we both enjoyed the sandwich.

The next day I had to inform all of my teachers of my pregnancy and as I approached Ms. Byrd I knew she was going to be the most disappointed. I loved track and hated that I had to miss out on the rest of the unit. Just as I predicted, Ms. Byrd looked from me to my stomach with great disappointment then said, "I'm highly disappointed Zoe, you were one of my best runners but things happen. To confirm your pregnancy I'll need a copy of your doctors' note."

I looked down, as I shook my head yes, not wanting to meet her gaze. After telling Ms. Byrd I made my way towards the locker room to retrieve any items I had left. I headed straight for my locker; the locker that held many of my medals and certificates that I had gotten throughout the years for running. I fiddled with the lock; putting in the combination; and as I opened my locker Brittany appeared from around the corner. I ignored her as I gathered my belongings. "Why weren't you on the track today?", she asked, curiously.

I looked from my locker to her then said, "It's none of your business why I wasn't on the track today." As I went back to cleaning out my locker I jumped and nearly screamed when I felt Brittanys presence behind me. "I know you're pregnant", she whispered, her cold breath making the hair on the back of my neck stand. I spun around and defensively said, "No, I'm not."

Brittany smirked and as she glanced at my stomach she said, "You love to run Zoe, anyone could see that and since you run so much you couldn't possibly be getting fat like you are now. Also your jacket's unzipped, I can see your stomach." I hurriedly zipped up my jacket; trying to hide the proof. "Don't worry, I won't tell", she said, smiling mischievously. I closed my locker; all my things now in my bag; not trusting her as I walked away.

I began to leave when I turned to face her, that stupid grin still on her face, and I said, "Look, don't feel pity for me or give me your 'i'm your friend' crap. I can take care of myself; don't get all soft on me now after being such a pompous jerk all these years." I smiled to myself as I left because I didn't have to deal with Brittany during that period of the day. I was also glad that I told her to act like the stuck-up bully Brittany and not the caring, understanding Brittany. It was enough to deal with one side of Brittany, I didn't want to have to deal with the other.

When I made my way to lunch Cody and I got our lunch and sat at our usual table. During the middle of lunch, when I was unwrapping cookies I had made, I looked up and noticed everyone staring. As curiosity set in I looked down and when I looked back up some were still staring and others' had begun whispering. "Cody, everyone's staring at us, why?", I asked, annoyed. Cody looked up, apparently not noticing, and looked around.

"Oh yeah about that...I meant to tell you that someone spread a rumor that I got you pregnant", he said, facing me. I had an idea of who that 'someone' was and as I got up I grabbed Codys arm and pulled him along with me into the halway. "Cody, I am pregnant, look at me!", I whispered, loudly once were in the hall and out of anyone's hearing range. I unzipped my jacket, revealing the bulge, showing Cody the proof of the half false rumor. Cody pulled me into a hug, and as I wrapped my arms around him I said, "She know Cody, Brittany knows." Cody looked down at me as I looked up at me, I felt safe in his arms, like I always did. "What do you mean 'she knows'?", he asked, curious. "I was in the locker room getting my things and after she came in she talked about how she noticed I was getting fat and she saw my stomach Cody. I left the jacket unzipped because I had got a little hot and I guess I forgot about it. She said she wouldn't tell but we all know how Brittany is."

"We'll get through it together, I'm going through the same thing you are and I'm here for you", he said, kissing my forehead. I pulled away from Cody, looked at him, then yelled, "No, you aren't, you're dad didn't molest and beat me years after your mother died. Your dad didn't beat both of your children while they were growing inside of you. You didn't want to kill yourself over and over again because of how wrong and fucked up your life was. Your dad didn't impregnate you for the umpteenth time and all he could say was sorry!" Cody hesitated for a second and before he could say anything I interrupted, yelling, "Oh, no Cody you couldn't possibly be going through the same thing as I am because you aren't carrying around your fathers' child!"

I caught my breath as tears streaked my face. I felt my knees give way and I felt as though I couldn't breath. I didn't feel myself hit the floor, instead I felt arms catch me and Codys voice yelling, "Zoe, wake up; please someone call for help!" That was the last thing I heard before I faded into that dark abyss that I was so used to, it felt comforting at the moment.

.hope that satisfies you chap. will definitely be a Codys P.O.V......I'll be updating more later on tonight...again..thanks for the!-<3


all rights reserved @trevgoesrawrwriter

all rights reserved to Tre'via Blount  

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