A new beginning

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.I don't know if i'll be updating as often as i have been after I leave my gampas'&&go back home to arkansas...i'll try my best though..i love you guys..!-rate...comment...enjoy..&&share..!-xD-this chapter is really dramatic...i hope i get a lot of reads for this one......xD

Three weeks had passed and at home I smiled; after five years I was smiling again and my dad had a job; a real one. I was still seeing Cody and I didn't dare tell my dad about him yet; I wasn't going to ruin this new attitude of his. I decided to invite Cody over one day since my dads' new job required him to work in the evenings; right after I got home from school. Within an hour of my dads' departure, Cody knocked on the door and I let him in. "So, this is your house?", he asked, as he looked around. I ignored his question and grabbed his wrist; leading him towards my room.

I resumed my position back on my comfy bed as Cody looked around in awe. I nudged his leg as I demanded him to sit. He smiled and layed down, putting my feet on his lap. As I finished up some last minute homework I popped some popcorn and got sodas' for Cody and I. During the middle of 'Meet the Spartans' we managed to fall asleep but I was awoken by the sound of a car door slamming. I looked towards my clock and it was around nine-thirty; the time my dad usually got home. "Shit!", I mumbled, as I woke Cody up and told him to hide in the closet.

"Zoe!", he yelled impatiently. I made sure Cody wasn't visible before answering, "I'm in here." As he walked into my room I felt a clammy hand hit me across the face and I was thrown onto my bed. "What was that for?", I asked, terror in my voice, as I tried to sit back up. He pushed me back down as he laid on top of me and said, "I can't resist you anymore, I need you Zoe." As he undid my pants I begged,"Please, please don't do this, I'm begging you." He ignored my whimpers and finished pulling down my pants and as he began to molest me, I could see the pleasure in his eyes and I imagined the fear and terror in Cody's eyes.

When I started to cry harder and harder he punched me in the gut as he wrapped his fingers around my throat so tight I couldn't breathe. "Help me," I whimpered. I closed my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks and then it disappeared; the fingers around my throat, the sick feeling in my stomach, and the pain of his weight on my body. I looked up and watched as Cody wailed on my dad and wasn't going to stop until he had beaten him to a pulp. As I pulled on some shorts I managed to snatch Cody off my dad then yelled, "Come on, we have to go." I grabbed one of my bags; that already had a few of my things packed into them; just in case I ever tried to run away again.

"Don't you ever touch her again you sick fuck!", Cody yelled, as we ran out the door. When we got to Cody's I went straight to his bed and cried. After awhile I felt Cody's hand gently brush my shoulder and I jumped; forgetting he was there. "Why didn't you tell me?", he asked, quietly. I sat there quietly and held myself even tighter as new tears began to streak my face; I couldn't face this discussion; I just couldn't. I felt his hand brush my shoulder again as he said, "Zoe, turn around." I shrugged his hand off and said, "You've already seen too much, I don't even see why you're still wasting your time on me; i'm damaged goods." Cody sighed as he turned me around and started taking off the layers of shirts' and pants' I had on.

I lay there in only a tank top and my joe boxers' boy shorts. He stared there for a minute looking at every inch of my visible body then his eyes looked into mine and I looked away. He made his way from my arms, to my stomach, all the way to my thighs and I winced as his hands brushed over scars only I had seen; and my dad of course; but he never noticed. I started to doze off into a dark abyss of sleep until Cody asked, "Are all of these scars because of him?" I was quiet at first; wanting the dark abyss to swallow me whole and as I opened my mouth it all poured out of me.

I told Cody of the first time I got pregnant when I was twelve, then I told him about the two miscarriages I had a few years later. The most important fact I shared with him though was that my first born child; my son; was still out there somewhere and I was going to find him one day. Cody's face was a black hole of nothing until I finished talking; it filled with anger and hate; all for the man who had done these things to me; the man who once used to be my father. "How long has he been moles...; doing this to you?", he asked hesitantly. I curled closely to Cody as I shivered and answered, "Five years." Cody unraveled me out of his arms and started pacing the room; he then punched the wall; and let out a cry of pain as the stinging sensation went through his arm.

I sat up and started holding Cody, rubbing his back to calm him down. After he was calm he gave me one of his shirts' to sleep in then we wrapped up his hand and lay down for bed. As we faced each other he held me close and began to say something when I kissed his lips softly and sweetly. "Let's just sleep tonight and then we'll face whatever problems we have in the morning; sleep Cody; and thank you for tonight."

.ssssooooo.....did you frekking insanely absolutely love it..!?, - i hope you did,....well rate..comment...and tell me watcha think...!-xD


all rights reserved @trevgoesrawrwriter

all rights reserved to Tre'via Blount  

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