Sunday, August 11th

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Warning!! Short chapter!


Sunday, August 11th

My mom caught me at the park pond. I was about to throw you into the pond. I swear Tawny ratted me out.

Psh. What am I saying? Whatever.

I guess since I have to live with you for practically my whole life now, I guess I'll tell you what I look like. I mean, you don't have eyes...Right?

I have long blonde hair. It reaches all the way to my legs and stops just below my ass. Yes, I know what you're thinking, (If you even have a brain) that is hella long. Yeah, I know. I haven't cut it since...well since I met Tawny. It doesn't grow that fast anyways (P.S. I am 15 and a half). I got bright blue, red, pink, orange, and purple in my hair. It isn't overdone, like many people. There is only like one or two of each color.

I have probably the smallest butt ever. I can't keep my jeans up because they fall off my skinny ass. What makes it even worse is I have the longest legs ever. So I have to find long legged pants, but they have to have a small waist. My face is round. Like a giant orange. I have soft features and ice blue eyes.

Notice how I didn't mention anything about my chest area. I am a little bit on"fluffy" side. I don't have a perfectly flat stomach and my thighs aren't the smallest. I'm not fond of my body, but I don't abuse it like some people I used to be friends with.

I am getting off topic.

I was born and raised Portland, Oregon. I have been all over the United States. Even through Canada and Alaska. I visit family all over. I really love the green and freshness of Oregon though. I come from a long history of Greeks. Like it traces back to Jason or something. I don't really know if I am related to anyone from those famous stories, but I might. I will do some research later okay?

There I go again, talking to a book.

 This will be a small journal entry because nothing interesting happens on Sunday. Just homework and chores. Ugh.

Speaking of chores, my mom just told me to start them.

I will write tomorrow.

Wait, no I won't!

Maybe I will.

Geez Capria! Make up your mind. That is another thing to know about me, I have fights with myself.

Whatever. My stupid mom got me talking to a stupid book.

Ok, I will write tomorrow. Bye



Heyyyy Guyyysssss!

Yes, I made another story. Tell me if you like it so far. I love writing this book. And no, I will not neglet or delete Zero's to Hero's. Unless this one got more votes and totally surpassed my other one. Then I might delete it. Anyways, if you are reading this and haven't read Zero's to Hero's, go check it out!

Vote comment and fan.

-Grace Wall
EDITED-- ha. . .ha.. I deleted it. Don't hate me

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