Saturday, August 24

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Saturday, The 24th

Saturdays used to be my favorite.

Not this one.

I used to be able to sleep in until noon and not worry about anything.

My eyes were forced open by the first rays of sun. I silently cursed how bright it was and sat up. Instantly, a cramp formed in my back and my neck. I'm not one to complain, but sleeping on pine needles sucked. And for some odd reason, my back wasnt as badly burbed  it felt like a burn you might get from touching a hot pan.

I stood and cracked my back. Breakfast was the first thing I thought of to do.

Avoiding the boys and being as quiet as pine needles allowed, I gathered materials for a fire. The air was humid and cold from the rain last night, so it'd be hard to get a fire started.

Next was to get food. I have trained once or twice with shooting, a few times with a bow and a couple classes on traps. I didn't have a bow or a gun so traps were the way to go.

I walked around to see where some rabbits were. I spotted a few and set up a snare a couple yards away. Getting up, I circled them.

Bursting into their sight and chasing them towards the trap, I found it was hard to stear the bunnies as they dashed left and right.

When I got to the trap, one was stuck in the rope. It suddenly hit me, how'd I get here? Why am I doing this? It didn't seem right. . .

Everything is happening because I needed I to go to school. You know what, fuck school. Fuck it.

"Fuck you." I tore the rabbit out of the tree and trudged forward. The camp came into veiw, a fire already blazing.

"Good Morning beautiful." Colton smiled up at me. "Sleepy head over there snores too loud." He gestered over to Frank.

I held the rabbit out. "I hope one of you two know how to prepare this." I didnt mean for it to, but my voice cracked and my eyes started to water. He took it from me, concern filling his eyes once again.

"Capria, what's wrong?" From his kneeling position, he stood to hug me. "Please dont be sad."

I lightly hugged him back. Colton was about a head taller than me, so his chin rested on my head.

I said, "I guess the stress and realization of everything finally caught up with me." Coughing, I tried my best to hold back my tears.

Don't cry right now, I silently urged. Don't be showing weakness now.

Despite my greatest efforts, tears slid down my cheeks. Colton said nothing. He just rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. I didn't think much of it then, I was too focused on trying not to be a pussy.

"Hey" Franks soft voice filled my ears. He spoke slowly and gently like I was bunny intead of the thing by the fire. "It'll be alright. Do you want me to skin this for you guys? I'm not that hungry."

Colton nodded to him and had me sit down on Franks sleeping bag. He sat next to me, his knee making contact with mine. His hand was still on my back, rubbing it to calm me down. I took note of all the physical contact.

We sat in silence.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out. Both boys snapped their necks to look at me.

Frank stopped doing whatever to come over and sit in front of me. "What for?"

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