Tuesday, August 20

54 1 0

Tuesday, August 20

I locked eyes with those perfect green orbs. Beads of sweat dotted his brow, making his curly blonde hair cling to his forehead. Those plump pink lips were twisted with concentration and confusion.

Colton's hand hit the table.

I jumped up, saying "I told you I was stronger than you!"

If you are wondering what just went down, it was arm wrestling. I totally demolished Colton at that and thumb wars. He only won at tickle wars. I found it so unfair because he was not as ticklish as I was.

"Hah!" Tawny popped up behind the tall blonde and started to mess with his hair.

"What was that?" Colton's hands went up to his hair.

"Oh," I rushed over to him and ruffled his curly mane. "Just a spider."

His eyes went to the size of saucers. "Ahhh!!" He screamed and bolted out of his chair. "A spider?! I am petrified of them!" Colton quickly corrected himself after I burst out laughing. "I-I mean that would be gross."

"Ok Mr. Macho  Man. What game now?"

"I am actually stopping procrastination time and going home to get my books." He went out the door, waving.

It is about 3:45. Right now, I am writing in you while Colton goes home and gets his homework. His house is a few streets over and he walks pretty slow, so I am sure I will have time to tell you about my day.

Today, I learned more than I probably wanted to. Remember the 'Drawing King' I met yesterday? Yeah. I bumped into him today and he kind of. . .found out my secret.

It was not my fault ok. I was eating lunch when some jerk pushed Frank (the Drawing King) into me, spilling milk and spaghetti all over my blouse.

"Sorry." Frank said, picking strings of spaghetti off the table. "I'll go get some towels."

I got up and let the milk drip off of me. Thinking smartly, I remembered to bring an extra set of clothes. Yesterday, after slipping on the grass, I had grass stains all over my jeans. I was sure my luck wasn't going to be much better today. And I was right.

Frank came back and started dabbing the milk from the table. I took some paper towels and tried to get red stains from my blouse.

"This was my favorite shirt." I blurted unintentionally.

"Again I am sorry. How can I make it up to you?" He had finished cleaning the table and was examining me.

"Hm." I thought about it. How could he make something like that up to me? "How about a drawing. I want something that you claim you see."

Frank the 'King' stiffened. "I don't think that is a good idea. . ."

"It is okay. You can draw it outside right now." I pointed at his drawing pad.

"Ok. . .If you really want me too."

We walked outside and sat against the school. Tawny showed up and sat facing us. I made a shooing gesture but it was no use. She was a stubborn teenager. No matter what century you grew up in, all the teenagers were the same.

"Tawny." I hissed. "Go away." I glanced at Franks paper. It had an outline of a face that was vaguely familiar. I shook my head and turned to the annoying ghost in front of me.

"No." Tawny crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at me.

Frank gasped and dropped his pen. "I-it talks to you?!" He was staring at Tawny.

"Wait whoa whoa whoa. He can see me?" Tawny pointed at Frank, mouth a-gap.

I looked at the picture on the drawing pad. It was a perfect replication of Tawny's face and neckline.

"Yes I can see you." Frank said, like it was obvious. "How can you?" He nodded in my direction.

"Frank, meet Tawny, my spirit friend. We met in the 3rd grade." I smiled at Tawny. "We go way back."

"So you talked to it? None of them has ever-ever like tried to hurt you?" Frank was shivering. Tawny reached forward to touch his arm, but he flinch and scooted away. "I-I'm sorry. I just don't think I can ever trust one of you again."

"About that," I said. "I want to see that drawing with the shadows and the little boy. Frank flipped through the pages, keeping an eye on the now standing spirit.

When the desired drawing came into view, Tawny gasped. "Is that- Did you draw that?!" Frank and I nodded.

"This happened to me when I was, what, 5? These things had melted out of the shadows and chased me out of my bed and into my closet." Frank gulped. "They-they were whispering things. I couldn't tell what they were saying. I think it was. . .Greek? Anyways, they were about to overcome me in darkness when my mother walked in, turning on the light."

I waited for him to tell more, but all he did was rub the corner of the page. I could tell this was a touchy subject. I slipped next to him and rubbed his arm. "My Granddad went through the same thing. I found a picture exactly like this in his closet. He had drawn one himself."

Frank looked up at me. "I think we better stick together, since we can see the same. . . things?"

"Hey!" Tawny protested. "I am not a thing." She said with disgust. "I am a young lady-spirit."

We both ignored her. "I think you are right. I am Capria, your newest. . .friend?"

Frank chuckled. "Yes, friend. I am Frank."

"And welcome to a world of crazies." I said, glancing at Tawny. Her expression was priceless.

I just heard the door open. Colton is calling my name. Have to put you away now. Talk later.




Ok I don't know if this is long or short because it is on my phone. Sorry if this was a disappointing chapter :/

Anyways shout out to Lexi! Go read her story! I will dedicate this chapter to her so you can find her! Love you sista. Her wattpad is LexiCarrillo   Go check her out please!

Vote, Comment, Smile, Love.

~Grace Wall

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