Friday, August 23

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So for the long wait for a chapter, here is a long one. I hope you guys like it! But I need advice:

Ship Frank and Capria (Frapa) OR Ship Colton and Capria (Capon)


Friday, August 23rd

Usually I would love a Friday.

After today, I don't want another Friday to happen again. After today, I am a known fugitive and my two best friends are on the run with me.

I woke up as usual and dragged myself over to my closet and threw on some clothes. I was too tired to take a shower this morning and thought I would take one tonight.

I trudged out of my bedroom and down into my kitchen, slowly eating spoonful after spoonful of my Frosted Flakes. I felt two figures come in. Tawny sat next to me. I didn't look at her. My Mother walked over to the stove, the scent of alcohol following her . Her dirty blond hair stuck up and out at weird angles. The Tank top and sport shorts she wore didn't look very clean. Splots of green-yellow stained the top.


She turned from her sizzling eggs. "Yes sweetie?" Her eyes confirmed my suspicion. She had a major hangover.

"How much did you drink last night?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"I don't remember."

I continued with my breakfast. After finishing it, I placed my bowl in the sink, kissed the incoming Grandfather, and hugged my mom.

"Bye see you after school." I said, closing the door behind me.

Who knew that that was the last thing I was going to say to them.

I trudged down the sidewalk. I heard hard footsteps come behind me. They fell into place with my footsteps. I didn't need to look up to know it was Colton.

He looked forward for a bit. The closer we got to Frank's house, the antsier Colton got. Finally he softly touched my shoulder, causing me to turn to face him.

He took a deep breath and spoke. "I know."

My heart pounded. He knows? Does he hate me? Was the only thing I could think. My hands started to shake. I didn't understand how he found out.

I stepped back. "A-aren't you scared of me?" I stammered.

"Capria what are you talking about?" Colton closed the gap between us. His eyes were full of concern, sadness and confusion. "Why would I be scared? I saw you and Frank walking to your house last night. I-I thought. . ."

I looked up at him, urging him to go on.

". . .I thought you two were in a relationship."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. "Colton. It was just a hang-out. Frank and I hang out just like you and I." I smiled a full smile. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you're jealous!"

Colton tensed up. "What?! I am not jealous!" He looked around awkwardly.

I smiled more and started to yell "COLTON IS JEALOUS!" When Colton lunged to covered my mouth. I dodged it and ran towards the school, screaming out 'jealous'. Colton caught up to me and tackled me. We tumbled onto someone's lawn, Colton on top (daja vu maybe?). Colton caged me with his arms in push-up position.

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