Thursday August 15

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Thursday August 15

Sorry. I haven't written for a few days. My Mom had me doing stuff like cleaning the house and stuff. she thinks that now that I will be going to school, I will have more friends.

Yes, I've been home schooled. For my entire life. My 'friends' that I go to the mall with are supposedly the girl across the street and her group of friends. Psh. She is like the Queen of Queens of drama. I would never be friends with her, much less even talk to her. God, that squeaky voice is so annoying.

So this year will be my first year at a real school. I think that is why my Mom bought me you. Because she knows that girls have drama and crap. But I won't have drama. I think.

But if I do, you will be here so I can spill. I hope this school year is easy.

I know I should be freaking out right now. New school, new classes, new locker, new everything. But quit frankly, I'm fine. No, I did not get advice from Tawny. She is completely useless. (Tawny, if you read this later, no offense.) I mean, she went to school in the 1700s. She was homeschooled, but still way different than what my Mom does.

Mom is still freaking out. She keeps saying, "My little baby is going to school!" I tell her that I am not a baby anymore.

Why is my Mom so protective of me?

The reason why I'm writing today is because I talked with Granddad today. Well, he talked to me. When Mom was out in the garden, he asked me to sit next to him on the couch. He turned down the TV and looked around nervously.

Granddad leaned closer to me and whispered "Where is that one spirit?"

"Who Tawny?"

"If that is what you want to call her." Granddad's eyes widened when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to Tawny. She herself was scared. I stood up and excused myself.

"What is wrong?" I asked, trying to hurry.

"I did some research about your Grandfather-"

"Wait." I cut her off. "Research? How?"

"Whatever that's not the point. He used to be a bounty hunter."

"I knew that." I crossed my arms over my chest. My Granddad was a bounty hunter for criminals.

"For ghosts?"

That made me think. It would make sense. Granddad would always be nervous with Tawny around because he wasn't sure if he could trust her.

"Hang on Tawny." I walked back to Granddad. He let out a sigh.

"What was that Granddad?"

"I just want to warn you about some of them. They are vicious."

Granddad relaxed a little when I reassured him that Tawny was not a threat. "She is just my friend."

"Good." He caught a glance at her. When he realized I saw him, he stopped. "She just"

"What do you mean?" I questioned. What was he talking about?

"She doesn't seem like The Eidos." When I didn't stop looking at him like he was crazy, he explained more. "There are three groups of spirits. To you, there are spirits, the nice ones, and the ghosts, the rude or mean ones. To me, there are three. The Kind, which the proper name is Greek, The Eidos. The Epikindynos, dangerous in English. Then The Meso, middle. Your friend doesn't fit into any of these groups. She is different."

I looked back at Tawny. Maybe I should be more careful.  "Ok Granddad." I hugged him and walked to the hall Tawny was waiting in.

"So...?" She asked. "What did he tell you?"

I decided to keep this to myself. "Oh nothing."

"Ok. Now lets go do something. I have been so bored while you were doing chores."

She grabbed my wrist and ran out the door. We did more shopping and hung out at the food outlet thing. I don't know what it is called because I don't really care.

Now I am sitting here, eating ice cream and writing. I just really hope Tawny didn't overhear or reads this. It would be so weird.

The weirder thing is, since granddad said that something was off. I haven't been by many spirits at all, but he was right. Tawny didn't act like a ghost. She acted as if she was still alive. Maybe she even thinks she is still alive.

I can't take long to ponder this because my ice cream is melting. Woops. Just dribbled all over you. Sorry.




This one is short too! I am so very sorry. I am just all hung up in school and stuff.

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~Grace Wall

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