Friday, August 16

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Friday, August 16th

This is the last weekend I will have before school. Now I am really freaking out. Like I said yesterday, I have never actually been in a real school. This is going to be hard.

Anyway, I went shopping again for clothes. Tawny will not stop harassing me to get new ones. I just got some new jeans and shorts and some t-shirts. Guess how mad Tawny was after I paid. Pretty mad. I got to admit, she does have anger problems.

Tawny and I walked back home and I folded laundry and did more chores. if you have not noticed, Mom is a clean freak. OCD. Or, as she wants it to be called, CDO. I have no idea why she says that.

ANYWAYS. Something incredible and embarrassing happened today!!

So, after I cleaned my room, I went out to ride my bike. It was early morning and the air was thick with fog. The pavement was slick and chilly. Not completely cold. But still enough to give me some goose bumps. Ok, maybe a lot. I am very sensitive to the cold. I hate how sensitive I can be.

Ok no more sob stories. BACK TO THE AWESOME THING CAPRIA!

I peddled up to the private road called Rocky Ridge. It went up this mini mountain to col-de-sac of huge houses. I went up as fast as I could, then when I my legs got tired (I need to exercise more) I got off and walked the rest of the way.

Finally, I was at the top. The view was beautiful. My small neighborhood was displayed perfectly. The fog in the background made it look like a fantasy.

"Where did you go?" I jumped. It sounded like Tawny. But it echoed around in my head. Could she be inside my head?

To my relief, I turned and saw her on her own bike. "The real question is, where did you get that?" I pointed at the bike. "Couldn't you just poof to me or something"

"No." She put her hands on her hips. "It is not that simple."

"It can be." I challenged

"Last one to the house is a rotten egg!" She turned and peddled down the road.

In pursuit of her, I called "HEY! Not fair!"

She was about a forth of the way down. I quickly came up with how fast she was going per second and tried to see if I could go faster. Tawny knew I was smart enough to bypass her. I peddled as hard as I could. Soon, I caught up to my pale friend.

"Hah!" I breathed. I stopped peddling and let gravity do the rest. It took me down the swerving road and out onto the main street. I turned a sharp left, heart beating fast. I drew in a breath when I turned right. The wet road made my wheels skid and almost threw me off into the trees.

"God." I said to myself.

When I turned into my driveway, I didn't quit make it up. Someone riding on the sidewalk ran into me. His skateboard went under my bike and he fell right ONTOP OF ME!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh Um sorry. Excuse me." He tried to get up, but stepped on my bike and fell next to me. I stiffled a laugh and sat up. He did the same and we looked at each other. Not awkwardly though. I think.

His hair was blond. Like, true blond. His eyes were the prettiest green I have ever seen in my life. The strong jaw line and soft skin tone really set an appearance.

Breaking the tension, I stuck out my hand and said "Capria," with the warmest smile I could manage after being thrown off a bike.

"Colton." He shook my hand.

Colton stood and helped me up. My back ached and my head pounded. I said "Thank you" in a whispered voiced.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah. I am sorry. Are you alright?" He inspected my arms and face. I laughed awkwardly and flushed a deep red.

"I'm fine." I said.

"You sure? I hit you pretty hard."

I laughed again. "It was entirely my fault. I should have been watching were I was going."

Our eyes locked and I was instantly mesmerized. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. Tawny giggled behind me and it took all my will power not to shake her off. I knew that Colton could not see her and I would look insane.

"Well," Colton grabbed his skate board. "I got to go." He ran and jumped on his skateboard.

"How could you just let him go like that?!" Tawny yelled as I watched him go.

My legs started to carry me towards the handsome boy. "Wait!" I called. Colton turned and walked off his board. "Are you going to be at Franklin High this year?"

"Yeah. Are you new to the area? I've never seen you there before."

"I've been in this house my entire life. I have just been home schooled."

"Ooohhhh" He nodded. "Hey. For any advice, text me." He looked around for a paper. Then he realized he didn't have a pen. I watched for a little then finally gave him my phone so he could enter his number. "Thanks." Colton said, cheeks hinting rosy red.

Colton quickly typed in his digits and handed back my phone. He got back on his board and started off. "Bye" I said waving. Colton waved back and continued down the road.

Soooooo. Now I have this hot guys phone number AND he has to live close if he is on his skateboard. You have no idea how excited I am. I am jumping around squealing because I just made a new friend. Maybe this isn't as hard as I thought It was going to be.

I am so excited for school to start now! Eee!

Sorry. This is my girly girl side. You won't see much of it.

I'm getting tired now. Gosh. Meeting hot guys is challenging. Good night. Sweet dreams.

Did I just say that? Man and it's in pen too.




I was gone for a while. I got it up though. And I have no idea what to do for Zero's to Hero's. If you haven't checked that one out please do! Thanks.

Vote. Comment. Fan. Smile. Love!

-Grace Wall

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