Chapter 6 Love

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It had been exactly two days, since Jasmine and Killian had seen each other. It hadn't been like they were avoiding each other or anything, it was just that school had started up again and Killan was working. There was also that plain fact, that there was no good excuse that Jasmine could come up with, to go see Killian at work

Of course there was her father, but she felt wrong, using her dad like that. So instead, she kept her distance

It was May 15th, a Monday to be exact and, Jasmine's 18th birthday. For 14 years, it had only been Jasmine and her dad and now, there was someone in Jasmine's life, that she actually wanted to share this special day with and she couldn't

Sadly, Jasmine would have to deal with this fact, if she wanted to have an okay day

As the day went by painfully slow, her birthday was acknowledged by many people, but the one she enjoyed most, was of her best friend Aspin

Aspin was a 17 year old female, who preferred to read books and listen to music, than ever acknowledge the oppisite sex. She was pretty, but not beautiful. Her true beauty, was hidden behind glasses too think and clothing far too baggy. She kept to herself and kept her head down, hoping that she could get through her senior year, as she had gotten through her freshman, sophomore, and junior year....invisible

She hadn't realized how hard that would be, if she were friends with Jasmine Bandoni. To Aspin, Jasmine was as beautiful as one could be and at many times, she wished, she could be more like her best friend-fearless

But at the same time, she liked being in her comfortable and quiet little corner

Her past was too much for most people to handle, that's as why Jasmine stay in by her side, surprised Aspin so much. But it was clear to Aspin that Jasmie too had skeletons in her closet that others didn't know about

"Happy birthday!" Aspin  called out, wrapping her small arms around her taller friend

Jasmine turned to look at her blue eyed best friend and smiled. Her blonde hair that was braided to her right side. Aspin wore a Black Veil Brides, shirt, two sizes too big and a pair of white skinny jeans, with old, torn up sneakers

"thank you" Jasmine smiled, intertwining their arms together

"How was your weekend, we didn't talk at all and you had me worried!" Aspin said, walking towards Jasmines car

"Well, it was pretty uneventful" Jasmine lied, keeping her eyes from meeting Aspin's

The petite girl looked up at her best friend and scoffed

"Liar! What did you do?" Aspin called out, stopping

Jasmine sighed and watched as a group of friends, crossed the street to get to their cars

"I'm not lying!" Jasmine said and continued walking

"You are, look, your face is bright red and your playing with your fingers. Did you have sex?" Aspin asked, lowering her voice

Jasmine looked into the Aspin's eyes and then looked away

"No" she mumbled

Aspin squealed loudly and clapped her hands. She didn't like to think about boys for herself, that didn't mean that she didn't like her best friend talking about boys 

"You did!" She chased after Aspin

Jasmine groaned and shook her head

"Fine,hisnameisKillianDaxxandheismydadsboss" Jasmine mumbled, quickly

For a moment, Aspin thought to herself, picking apart the sentences her best friend had just spit out

Once she got the gist of it, her eyes widened and she gasped

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