Chapter 4

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Katie's POV

"aww how cute"

"Mo-mm-y" I yawned and stretched before my leg hit something hard. My eyes fluttered open to a sleeping Liam who was about to fall off the bed. "Mo-mm-y" Tommy climbed on the bed and hugged me. "good morning" I looked around. "Oh hi Katie I'm Sophia" "hi" I climbed out of Liam's bed, setting tommy on the floor. I walked down the stairs with a very excited toddler on my heels. "hey how'd you sleep? I went to wake you up and you weren't in your room and Tommy wasn't in his bed" I slept with Liam because I had a nightmare" "well then how did tommy get out of his room" "hmm good question I don't know"

I slipped off into the bathroom, I looked down and sure enough there was a big blood stain all over my panties. Wasn't my first time but I had no supplies what so ever. I cleaned up wotting toilet paper and stuck it in my panties. I walked out and sat down for breakfast.


"I have to go to the grocery store, does anyone need anything?" Harry asked

"can I go?" "um... sure" "thanks"


I ran to the feminine products aisle and grabbed the first box of pads I found. I walked back up to Harry and dropped the pads in the basket. he raised his eyebrow at me and I stuck my tounge out. "do you need chocolate with that?" "shut up doofus"

*ring ring*

Harry answered his phone before handing it to me.


"Katie its Liam"


"Tommy-" I cut him off "put him on"

"Tommy its mommy I need you to behave for Liam"

"no" I hated being mean with Tommy but he deserved what was coming next

"Tommy if you don't listen to Liam and Miss. Sophia they're not going to want you there. so be a good boy and listen to them and if I hear you were a bad boy the popsicles I got you cant have" I heard a gulp before Liam came back on. "thanks" "no problem I'll be home soon"

I walked up to the front of the store with Harry following behind with the basket of numerous and quite weird assortment of items. He removes his sunglasses as we near the cash register. the cashier was an older gentleman, who most likely wouldn't recognize Harry from One Direction. I help Harry with the basket of items. We came here with a list which had 3 items on it Milk, popsicles and gummy worms. We ended up with 2 bags in  the end, full of the items we needed along with various types of crisps, frosting in both chocolate and vanilla. soda pop and to top it all off a bag of lollipops. 

"you little lady have a great boyfriend buying you all this stuff for when its your time of the month" Okay this couldn't get any weirder. "oh he's not my boyfriend he's my uncle" "sorry for the mistake" he apologizes handing us the bags.


I walk through the door, only to be bombarded by tommy. I lay down on the couch rubbing my belly trying to get rid of my cramps.

"listen up!" I turn my head so I was facing Liam, Sophia then began walking out of the room. she looked unusually pale. I'll have to inquire later if she's okay?

"We have an interview Tomorrow on the Tyler Show. It's at 9:30 so we need to be there at 6 we'll be announcing the adoption of Katie and Tommy. And Katie" I look up "you have to make sure Tommy doesn't call you mommy, well because you aren't and I  don't want any rumors going around that your his mother when it isn't true. " I nod my head, but tears were already cascading down my cheeks. I hated people seeing me cry. I hated looking week in front of others. "Katie" someone called after me I clearly recognized the voice as Niall's but I continued running out of the room.

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