Still the one

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Dear diary,

Well this is the first ever time writing a diary sooooo...... My name is Katy edwards. I'm 16 years old and I currently live in a small village in England. I was told to write a diary by my mum, to keep track on my bullying. Yes, I get bullied. She said to write it weekly on what he says and does to me. His name is Harry. Harry Styles. He's in the year above me. So let me tell you what he has done this week. He threatened to kill me if I didn't do his assignment. He beat me up. He called me worthless, fat and ugly. Do you ever get that feeling that when a girl calls you ugly you can fight back. But when a boy says it, it makes you want to cry. And it makes me depressed so I cut. I know it's bad but it's the only thing that helps me get through it. I don't want to tell anyone he bullies me because I don't want him to get in trouble, even though he's made the last 5 years hell for me. For some reason I have a soft spot for him. Like he spends more time with me than his actual friends. Well sometimes that makes me feel special but I know it's for the wrong reasons. I guess that's all - life sucks right now.

I lazily flung my diary into my draws and flopped on my bed. I was thinking. Thinking of what he was gunna do to me tomorrow. Maybe he won't beat me up tomorrow! Nah he will. I know what people think of me. She's a nerd and gets bullied, so that probably means she has no friends.

Well no actually. I have 7 perfect friends called: Natasha (Tash), Lili, Kate, Paige, Katy, Ella and Katie. They don't know I get bullied either because I don't want them to get involved cause it would just make things worse. There so amazing though. I can't figure my life without them. There my everything. The only bad thing about it is Lili. Don't get me wrong. I love her its just she's dating Harry. Yeah, so he threatens me with sick jokes like: do this or I'll hurt Lili. It's like he's using her. It makes me sad though.

They all know I cut, but not for the right reason. I said its my dads fault. He abuses my mum and it hurts my feelings and breaks my heart to see her go through the pain she is currently going through. He last did it about a year ago because he promised me he wouldn't hurt her.

Currently, he is in Afghanistan. He's a major and I'm proud of him but scared that he could get shot and we would get a letter through the door saying that. Well he comes back in 3 weeks so I can't wait. My mum works as a English teacher, but not at my school. In my old primary school. She also does the odd dog sitting on the weekends.

I jumped out of my skin when I felt my phone vibrating. 16 missed calls. All unknown? Noone every calls me? Then my phone buzzed again. This time a text. From Harry? I started shaking. What does he want from me? How did he get my number?


Hey guys, what do you think? Please let us know, we really like to know your opinions. Btw we are joint writing this book, it is Katy Edwards and Kate potter and we writing it together :) Katy came up with the original idea and then kate came up with plans :) hope you like it and we will update whenever we can!


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