Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

He grabbed my wrist with such force I felt the pain dart down my arm, his eyes where full of anger, just like on that day. I dreaded day. Looking at his fierce face brought back spine shivering memories - memories of my last day of freedom.


Sorry I muttered as his books fell to the floor, his green orbs started at me, they were amazing, he looked amazing.

"It's fine, I'm harry what's your name, perfect?" He winked at me cheekily, I have never met anyone so amazing, I blushed childishly and giggled before answering in a stupid high pitch voice - that always happened when I liked a boy. "My name is Katy, Katy Edwards!" I smiled as he laughed at my rubbish James Bond impression. For a minute we were both held in an incredible moment staring Ito each others eyes, suddenly e snapped to realisation and then he smiled at, "I better pick my books up" he laughed. As he bent over I heard a loud tear, suddenly I realised his trousers had ripped straight along his butt, I didn't know what to do, with out thinking I grabbed my phone and took a picture of harry styles - the schools fittest boy - stood with his jeans ripped and his pink boxers showing. Harry glared at me as I clicked send to everyone I knew.

*end of flashback*

Right now his face was just as angry as the one he pulled in year 8. His eyes were filled with the same expression as when I took the picture, I don't know why I did it, ever since my life has been hell and my popularity has gone down 90%. I thought I loved him when I met him but I ruined it. I RUINED IT. I was such an IDIOT. WHY??

He dragged me up the stairs, his anger almost vibrating onto me, what was he going to do to me? Was he going to hurt me? Fear trembled inside me as horrid thoughts of what could happen filled my mind, he looked so furious. Why would I say that and do that? Last time I did something against him it ended VERY badly.

He slammed open the door and pushed me to the floor, I sat helplessly looking up at him as he glared at me. I flinched as he moved his hand, OH my god he is gunna hit me. I shyed away and closed my eyes.

"Get on with the work. It needs to be finished by 5." He growled at me angrily in a low raspy and I can't Help but think sexy voice.

"Bu...bu...but harry it's a 4 week project." I whispered scared he would hurt me. His face dropped slightly

"Oh, erm, ok then do today's amount then go, does that mean we have to meet everyday for 4 weeks?"

He asked seeming embarrassed - harry styles embarrassed?! Wow!

"Ok, erm, yeah but I can do i..." He swiftly interrupted me,

"No it's fine come here everyday after school till 5." He said still sounding angry. I nodded and carried in working, no one said anything as I wrote away planning our model science plantation. I could feel Harry's eyes burning into my back, he was watching my every move with clear precise. I glanced up to see his flaming eyes glaring down at me, some how there didn't seem to be only angry on his face, I couldn't work out what it was so I quickly looked away and carried on writing.

I tried not to look up as I heard harry move to sit in front if me, I felt intense and under pressure, what was he planning to do?

I could hear him breathing heavily as his eyes were still fixed on me. I didn't have to look up to tell. Suddenly the silence was broken by a low quiet command,

"Kiss me" harry whispered, I looked up at him in horror but didnt say a word. "Kiss me" he said raising his voice. " no" I screamed at him, " I am not going to kiss you, you have Lili you player, I would never do that to my best friend and you should never do that to her." I stared in rage at him as he just smirked.

"I don't care about Lili. Kiss me or I will tell Lili that YOU came on to ME, plus I will make your life misery." He looked at be knowing full well that Lili would believe anything he said.

"I don't care if you ruin my life but I am NOT going to let my best friends life my ruined my some notch that doesn't deserve her. I can't believe you harry." With that I got up and marched toward the door. I felt a strong hand plant onto my shoulder, he spun me round and pulled my close to him, " kiss me" he whispered, but before I could struggle away he pushed his rough lips onto mine and tried to turn it into a heated make out session, I tried to push away but soon I couldn't. I gave in. I kissed him back as he deepened it and it felt so right. For a minute I forgot about everything else. I forgot about Lili, I forgot he was my bully and I enjoyed it. Suddenly though all the reality rushed back to me and I pulled away, I couldn't look at him I was just too ashamed. I looked down and hurried out the door. This time though he didn't chase back.

What have I done?


I joined my friends in the canteen at break, they were all laughing and I could hear them from the other side of the canteen as usual, I sat down and placed my brownie on the table, I was faced with a chorus of over excited girls shouting "SAVES"

"Oh no, not this again" I laughed as they all stared at me intensely. After several rounds of shouting Ella finally won and screamed with delight! Haha how I love my friends, Lili walked over and sat down opposite me, she said hello but I could only mutter a hi, I couldn't bring my self to look up, I felt so bad. Paige nudged my arm and asked if I was ok, she looked concerned which was sweet, I have her a fake smile through all the guilt and nodded my head. We were both distracted by loud laughing coming from katie and penfolds direction - her name is Katy too but since there are to many Katy's we call her Penfold - I looked up to see katie covered in chocolate milkshake and Penfold desperately trying to wipe it off! All of us fell into uncontrollable laughter, penfolds drink had exploded all over katie!!! Suddenly tash stopped laughing and tapped my elbow, she nodded at me as if to tell there was someone behind me. To my surprise James, Kate's boyfriend stood behind me, I smiled at him but he looked annoyed. "Where's Kate?" He asked whilst shaking his legs alternatively - something he did whenever he was nervous and it made Kate melt. "She's at her music lesson, should be back in 5" I answered as he nodded and awkwardly ran his hands through his hands through his brown hair - I have to admit he is quite cute but he is taken by Kate! He walked off slowly almost looking lost as in where to go. I turned to face my friends who were now doing a mick take on who Alan Carr speaks, Ella's accent was amazing, she sounded just like him it was hilarious.

Whilst I was laughing I glanced over at kate, she was just walking into the toilets but I could tell she was crying, I grabbed my bag and ran towards the toilets.

*Kate's pov*

I can't believe it, James had just broken up with me? What? Why? I cried into my arms as I sunk against the cubicle door, I heard to entrance door open and then Katy started calling my name, I opened the door slowly as she pulled me up into a hug. I wept into her shoulder as we stood in silence. I knew she would be helpful and she knew what to do when I was sad. She helped my clean my self up and then asked my what was wrong.

"James lipscombe just broke up with me. He said that I hadn't been speaking to him enough in the last few days and that I had been ignoring his texts and not spending enough time with him. I am so confused Katy." I mumbled as tears rolled down my face, my mascara was running but I didn't care. "I don't know what to feel, I know Iike niall and that's why I wasn't talking to James becuase I was confused but now that James is gone I miss him, he was so cute and caring and I loved him, I don't know kattyyyyy" I cried and cried as she talked softly to me, everything she said made perfect sense. She told me its for the best, she said it was obvious I loved Niall now and that now is my chance to make it work with Niall. "It's natural to miss and regret losing a boy when you first breakup but then it always works out good, I promise! Come on then the bells about to go.

We walked hand in hand to science, yay I sit next to Niall in science!


Sorry we always update so late in the evening!!!! We hope you like it, it was a long chapter this one ad we didn't include everything :/ let is know your thoughts please!!!

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