Ashes of Evil Part 4

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I stormed into Starbucks cafe and to the secluded corner where Xavier was looking out of the window. The tall, calm-looking  man looked up and smiled. Xavier got up from his seat and said "Ashley! Where have you been?"

"Because I'm five minutes late?" I immediately interject. "Xavier, please stop this. I don't need to tell you where I am every five minutes. I already told you my schedule so stop worrying so much."

"I was just concerned about you." Xavier said. "We haven't seen each other in so long..."

I sighed and sat down. Then I told him "Five minutes. I have to do something later. My schedule just keeps getting changed every day, I can't cope with it." 

"Only five minutes?" Xavier as he sat down and took a sip of his coffee. 

"It's a project I've been working on." I explained as briefly as I could. My foot started bouncing up and down, the need for the drug was endless. I need more of it. I need it. To be happy. I need something else. I looked at Xavier. I smiled, it was sweet of him in a way to be concerned about me. But he just does it to the extent it was... nerve-wrecking. Even for me. 

"Oh, what is that?" Xavier asked.

"I can't tell." I said "My colleagues told me to be quiet about it." 

Xavier narrowed his eyes at me "Who are they?" I kept quiet. No one. I couldn't trust Xavier. Not yet anyway. He will just be scared. Wouldn't anyone be? No one wants a drug addict for a lover. I don't want to lose Xavier. He will be scared of me... and he won't love me anymore. Does he even love me. Is is love as much as Edna's? 

"Stop the project." Xavier said. I glared at him and said "No. Why should I listen to you." 

"I don't want you to work with people that force you to work at night in a deserted place!" Xavier exclaimed. I held my breath. He saw me. 

"How did you know?" I said as I tightened my fist. "Have you been... stalking me?"

"I was just looking out for you!" Xavier exclaimed "I don't like this, tell me. What's going on?"

"Can't you just give me some space! Since you left the campus you could hardly give me a break! Now that I think of it you never let me talk to anyone other than Mia and Edna. I need my freedom Xavier!" I yelled as I stood up. 

"I did! But here you are sneaking off at night, why don't you tell me what's going on?" Xavier shouted as he stood up. "Don't you trust me?"

"You don't seem to trust me! Just leave me alone!" I yelled as I tried to walk off. But Xavier grabbed my wrist and tightened his grip, it was strong. And painful. 

"Ashley, don't leave me." Xavier begged. "Please, just tell me what's going on. If something is troubling you, I can help you. Please-"

"If you really love me, you would leave me alone." I said. Xavier's lips were slightly parted, no words passed through them. His grip loosened, then he tightened them. "I love you, but I won't leave you alone. I can't." 

I struggled, trying to escape his grip. It hurts... if he truly loves me, why won't he leave me alone? He doesn't want me to be happy? I grabbed my purse and swung it at his head, a few of my belongings fell unto the ground. Xavier stumbled backwards and I ran out of the cafe. Several eyes were on me. If he doesn't love me enough for me to be happy, I can't use him. I need the drugs... now. But I need to get rid of him. A tear rolled down my cheek. What happened to our love?

Short stories by Jade CrispyWhere stories live. Discover now