The Unwanted Saviour: Part 2

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Akita woke up.

Akita felt the warn fur from and animal, probably deer skin, against her cheek. She was staring into a brown wall like structure. Akita tried to sit up but then there was a sudden pain in her chest, she quickly lay down again. Akita used her head to observe her surroundings. It was a calm and quiet area. The dark brown cave walls were painted in random shapes and written in her language. A blanket made out of animal skin covered her body. It was comfortable, thought not as comfortable as the straw mat she must have slept on. She slowly sat upright, trying not to hurt herself. 

Akita looked down at her clothes. She was still wearing her pale yellow shirt, with her tribal designs with a green strap, which only went down to just above her belly button and her knee length pants. The only thing different was that her wounds have been wrapped around with a bandage. Especally near her chest, she must have injured herself somehow.

Akita stared at the crakling redish-orange flower in front of her, it blossomed and gave her warmth. There were stone bowls and plates on one end of the cave and a bone flute at another corner. She smelt a delicious aroma and looked at the fire again. It was bioling some kind of delicious stew, at least she thinks it is.

The opening of the cave seemed to be nowhere in sight, but yet the cave was lit brightly by the fire. Akita thennoticed the torches that hung by the cave walls. She wondered how whatever stranger who put those there dug holes for the torches to be put in place. She arched her head to the side to find a low pathway and a very short glace at the cave's opening and then she started to ache in pain. She returned to her orignial position to rest.

When the pain had gone, Akita look towards the other direction and saw a high tunnel but seems it seems to lead to nowhere. Her chest started to ache and she returned to her original position. As Akita rest, she felt like the cave was like her own tent at home. She remember her mother cooking the food and telling her about what it's like to be a lady and not a girl warrior and how she should behave. Akita sighed.

How did she get here in the first place? Then memories of the bear's attack came rushing to her mind. And how the bear was killed by some spear, and that person who have saved her. That tattoo, he has to be one of them, no doubt about it. Akita then had a sudden thought, did the stranger brought her here? What was he trying to do, it can't be any good.

Suddenly, something come from the direction of the low pathway. Akita attempted to hide but her current condition stopped her. Her heart raced and wonders what will come. Maybe it's just a rat? Stupid Akita! She thought It's movements are too loud to be a mouse, it might be a bear! But a bear don't have homes like this.

Then a boy, about 16 years of age, come out. He was a naitve like her to these forests, not like the settelers. He had tanned skin and his short hair was messed up, there was a blad patch at the side of his head, and a wound. He looks like a man yet at the same time a child, a youth. He wore short brown pants and a sleeveless brown vest, no shirt. He wasn't built like some men in her village but healthy. His black eyes looked at Akita.

Akita looked at his arm and the tattoo seemed to stare at her. It was the stranger. That was worst than any bear that come by. The stranger stared at her for awhile and then said in the normal tribal language " Good, you're awake." Then he sat down by the fire and started stirring the stew. Akita thought quickly I need to leave.

She slowly got down to her arms and started to move one arm forward, looking at the stranger at the same time to see if he saw. Good, he didn't, She moved another, no reaction, then she started to move her legs and another arm, a sudden pain came to her chest and she fell. His time, the stranger turned around and rushed to her. He said " Don't move. You're hurt."

Short stories by Jade CrispyWhere stories live. Discover now