Ashes of Evil Part 5

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I slammed the door of my dark dorm room at 6:00pm and went the secluded side to cry. Xavier... why? Why don't you want me to be happy? I just want to be happy. You made me happy but you don't love me enough to make me happy. Never mind... I still have Edna's love. I quickly opened my purse and search my thrilling happiness. Wait... where was it? 

I turned my purse and tried to find my drugs. My happiness... my ashes... Edna's love, where is it? How did I lose it? I tightened my fist as I stared at the ground. I screamed. I need more. I need it. The trill... the bliss... I need more. I need more. I need to make more. But I need the ashes. Where can I get the ashes? I can't use Xavier, he doesn't love me. Not like Edna. His love... was disturbing. I need them now.

The door swung open. I looked behind me. It was Mia, my best friend. Her eyes were filled with concern and sadness, looking at me. Maybe I can use her.

"Ashley? Are you okay?" Mia asked as she rushed to me. 6:02pm. I have to act. Mia looked worried about me, I can use that. Then I covered my face and pretended to cry. Mia was surprised and tried to comfort me. We both sat on her bed.

"So what happened?" Mia asked.

"It was Xavier. We were arguing about how I'm not spending as much time with him. I just need some space that's all. But he keeps bothering me. Then... we fought and... I feel as if he doesn't love me anymore." I said through my sobs. I need to know. I need to know one thing otherwise I can't use her. Mia hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Ash." Mia said in a soft whisper that was comforting.

"How can he do this to me? Does no one really love me?" I cried. I looked at the watch around my wrist. 6:05pm. The time is coming.

"I'm sure someone does. I love you as a friend. Edna does too. Come on, cheer up." Mia said. "I'm sure Xavier does too."

I put my hands into my pants pocket and grabbed my blade. My frown turned into a wide smile as I looked down at the glinting blade. Yes, that's what I needed. I swiftly stabbed her. Mia had the same look as Nanny. So shocked and surprised. Her voice cracked and her lips trembled. Then I smiled even wider. "If you love me, you want me to be happy."

"A-Ash..." Mia managed to croak as I stabbed her again, and again, and again. The aftereffects of the drug overwhelmed me. My smile grew, I laughed. This feeing. The bliss. The rush. The truth of Mia's words. I feel so happy! 

Then Mia stopped moving. She's dead. She's dead. I can make more. I can make more of my drug! The drug... I should name it. Ashes of Evil. Yeah, that should be it. As I pulled out the blade from her chest, I told her with a smile "Thank you for making me happy."

Short stories by Jade CrispyWhere stories live. Discover now