Chapter 3- Class

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Above is Tyler's best friend Adam.



"Ty I just want to make sure you're ok." Jackson said sitting down across from me on the couch. Luke had my wrist in his hand as he was checking the severity of the cuts. I knew that they weren't deep enough to seriously injure me I never cut that deep.

"I'm sorry" I said looking back and forth from Jackson to Luke. Both of them starring back at me, but Luke has more of a look of understanding. Jackson on the other hand..

"What are you sorry for Tyler?" Jackson asked leaning forward towards me. I looked at him and I thought for a moment. I'm so use to saying sorry to everything that I don't really know why I'm sorry for this. I mean I am putting them through this right now when I'm sure they have better things to do, like living their lives stress free.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this" I finally spoke up. "I know that you guys both worry about me sometimes and it shouldn't be like that. You should be able to live your life without me pulling you down". Luke patted my hand and let my wrist go. I looked down at him and he was smiling at me softly.

"Tyler, we care about you that is why we worry about you. You are not in this alone and you will never be alone. We will always be by your side" I smiled at him and he looked back at Jackson who seemed to be deep in thought. He was looking off into space with his eyebrows scrunched.

"Tyler I'm your older brother I will never not care for you I hope you know that" Jackson said finally looking at me and I smiled at him. "But please promise me you will try and stop cutting. Please Tyler for me". I bit my lip and looked at him. If only he knew what a release it was. If only he knew what it felt like to not be in control and then all of the sudden you had all of the power.

"Yeah I will try" I said smiling. It was not entirely a lie. I want to be a better person I truly do but sometimes I just need that sense of control. He wouldn't understand. No one would

"Thank you Tyler" Jackson said happily getting up and pulling me up to hug him. "we gotta get you to class don't we it's Friday" he said and I nodded at him, looking at my backpack by the door. On Friday I had my capstone class for my major which is vocal performance. My capstone is writing 4-5 original songs to be performed at a concert by the end of the year. I only have half of one of the songs written so far, and there are concerts where I must perform one new song throughout the semester so I know I need to work hard.

Jackson and I got into his car and he sped off pretty quick, but yet again he has never been the safest driver. It seems like we got to campus right away.

"Call me when your class is over!" Jackson called out from the car after I got out of it. I nodded at him and kept walking onto the UCLA campus. It was a nice warm fall day outside so I didn't cut through buildings like I usually do I wanted to stay outside. I walked into the music building and headed straight towards the lab where the class met.I heard loud footsteps coming from behind me, so I turned around and I saw my best friend Adam sprinting towards me.

"Aye dude!!!" He yelled stopping in front of me and I smirked at him.

"Hey A what's up" I asked holding the door open for him. He nodded at me and walked in.

"Well I think I finally figured out a name for my piece of music" he exclaimed excitedly and I smiled at him.

"Awesome dude, what were you thinking?" I asked and he smiled at me.

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