Chapter 23- Halloween

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Spencer POV

Tyler is snuggled in my arms as we cuddle on the couch and watch Hocus Pocus, his request of course. But I was happy to sit down and watch it with him because of how good he has been lately. He took his first punishment so well for me, and each day since then he has been having a hard time sitting which would make any dominant happy. I'm also glad that he understood why he was getting punished because that made it so much easier to talk to him about it.

Now that we have had this experience I think that we can start implementing more and more rules. But we first need to get through his test at Noir soon, and another session with Justin. The test is something I am not worried about at all, but the sessions with Justin have been on my mind recently. The advice that Justin gave me after lunch about just throwing rules at Tyler and forcing him to comply to them was not anything a seasoned dominant would say. He also said it was in his professional opinion to which worries me, because no way would completely flipping the switch on someone be good for them.

I run my hand up and down my baby's arms as I think about everything going on. Tyler seems to be warming up to Justin nice and I think that Justin does really well with Tyler. I think that Tyler has opened up more now that he is talking to a professional so I don't think I can stop the sessions because of this advice, maybe I can just talk to Justin myself without Tyler being there.

"I put a spell on youuuuu" Tyler sings softly and I chuckle at the silliness. I lean my head in to kiss his neck softly, and love the hiccup I hear in his singing. "Hmmmm did you like that baby" I whisper in his ear and again mentally praise myself when I feel him shiver in my arms. He is so responsive to me and I could not have asked for a better submissive.

"After this movie I want you to take a shower and start getting ready ok baby" I say looking at the time. Our friends are coming over here for a Halloween party tonight which warms my heart. It warms my heart because the club every year holds a big halloween party but it's only for contract holding members and since Tyler is still in training he would not be able to go. So Adam came to me and asked if we could do that at my apartment and invite our friends besides Luke and Jackson of course since they need to be present at the club.

I went out to van and Sebastians store and I picked out Tyler a very sexy mesh shirt. Our costume is underwater theme since Tyler is such a lover of the water and I share that with him. I got myself a sexy aqua-man costume and we're gonna be such a cute couple tonight.

The movie ends and I carry Tyler upstairs due to the bruising on his ass and legs still bothering him. I set him in the shower and go to get his costume. I pull out the mesh shirt and the mesh shorts to go with it, and I sneak in the special new jockstrap I bought him. I want my baby to be on full display tonight and I want these bruises on display as well. I bought him a leather jockstrap that matches the black mesh color. I know that it may take some convincing to get Tyler into what I picked out but I have ideas in mind on how to reward him for being so good.

I walk back into the bathroom and hang all the clothing on the rack next to the towels and strip of my clothing. I'm gonna join Tyler in the shower today since we both need to get ready anyway. I open the glass door and Tyler whips his head around as I get in with him and I shut the door again. "Hey pup" I say as I eye him up and down and I see his blush which makes me laugh.

"H-Hi Spencer" He stutters and I reach behind him to grab the soap as I lather myself in the vanilla sent. Tyler takes a moment to start moving again but he then grabs his peppermint shampoo and starts to rub it into his hair but I grab his wrists and put them at his side.

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