Chapter 14

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"I'm going to get you," I laugh as I chase a flour covered Ryan around the kitchen island. For the past thirty minutes we've been trying to bake a cake for a little girl named Vicktoria, who everyone calls Vicky or Tori, today is her birthday and she is turning five years old. She was super excited when she came running to me as soon as I walked down the stairs toward the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she is. I just felt the need to bake her a birthday cake and maybe even take her shopping later for anything she wants. You may ask will her parents allow it? Well the truth is her Mom died giving birth to her little year old brother. Vicky has never met her Dad but from Jenny told me he wasn't one to remember. She ran from him when she found out she was carrying Vicktoria. As for the father of of little Dominic, he was a human and human males can not raise werepups.

"Enough," I hear a strong voice growl out in warning, making Ryan and I freeze in our spots. Ryan looks at me, fear clear in his eyes. I already know who it is and I already know that I'm going to have a long ass lecture running around like I'm crazy while I'm carrying the alpha's heir. It's like that all I've been hearing for the past two months since I told them I was pregnant. I look behind me and lo and behold there he is in some low cut jeans that make me wanna do some dirty things to him that might get me in trouble even more if I hadn't blocked him out of my head.

"Alpha Orlando I am so sorry," Prince Ryan apologies quickly, bowing his head in respect. I just there and scuff. Yeah right ain't no way in hell I'm bowing down to him. He's the one that put me in the position I'm in right now and for the next two months.

I look behind me to see Orlando looking at me with eyes filled with anger and worry. Oh yay the big band Alpha is gonna lock me in our room again because I had some fun. I mean I love him I do but sometimes I just feel like strangling him and I know Haley feels the same about Damon. " McKenzie," Orlando calls me nodding his head as if ordering me to follow. I look at Ryan then back to Orlando and sigh. "Fine," I groan in annoyance. I quickly look back at Ryan, " This isn't over little man. I will be back to finish what I started," I warn him. He just smirks before starting to clean up our mess.

I follow Orlando up the stairs until we enter our room. Just as I expected, he's gonna lock me in our room until after I have his pup. That's all he sees me as now, a womb to hold his heir ... well at least that's the way I feel. I hear him growl loudly. Oops must have let him in my head. 'Now you've done it' Lizbeth warns. 'How's it my fault. He's the one that's always treating me like I'm not important. It's like all he wants is this baby. If that's the case then he can shove it.because I will take my baby and run. I will not be just some womb for his children,' I growl at her, making her shut up knowing I was right.

"Kenzie I didn't mean to treat you any different. I just want to make sure you and our baby are safe at all times. I want to make sure no one will ever hurt you two," Orlando explains to me pulling me into and tight hug. I sigh content when I feel the sparks all over my body. I rest my head against his chest and close my eyes content. I feel safe and happy in his arms even if he does act like a jerk sometimes.

After a few minutes I pull back from Landy and look him in the eyes. "I wanna know the gender of the baby," I tell him. He just smiles a huge smile and sweeps me up bridal style and starts flying down the stairs to the pack doctors part of the pack house. Yes the pack doctor has his own part of the pack house which includes bedrooms for himself, the nurses that help him, unless they are mated, and any doctors to be. It also includes quite a few rooms where the injured wolves stay along with our own little nursery where the nurses care for newborn pups.

As we fly through the house to get to Doctor James I hear a few pack members gasp and look a little startled at their Alpha's speed to get somewhere. Orlando only slows down when we reach Doctor James's office. I'm finally set down on my feet. I quickly knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Right away Doctor James opens the door as if he was expecting us. I smile sweetly as he invites us in. I'm pulled onto Orlando's lap as we sit down across from Doctor James. "What can I do for you today Alpha and Luna," James ask like he doesn't already know. Before I can get a word out Orlando has already started explaining, "Doctor James my mate and I wish to know the gender of our little miracle." I glare at him but he doesn't pay me no mind.

"Okay well let's get you up on the table Luna and we can see our little Alpha or Luna," Doctor James says with a smile on his face. I nod and hop off Orlando's lap and climb onto the bed. I pull up my shirt revealing my noticeable bump. Doctor James walks over and place the really cold gel on my tummy making me gasp. The guys just chuckle while I sit there with really cold gel on my baby bump. After they have their laugh Doctor James gets down to business. "Okay so let's take a looky here," he says as we see our baby moving on the screen. I just gaze in amazement.

'Thump-thump-thump' is what I hear coming from the screen. "There it is. There's your baby's heartbeat of your baby Alpha and Luna. I smile and look over to Orlando who is sitting their with his mouth hanging wide open which makes me giggle. After a bit he finally controls himself. I just smile and look back at James. He continues looking at the screen and smiles at what he finds out. "Well Alpha and Luna let me be the first to congratulate you and give you the best of luck on raising the future Alpha," Doctor James tells us with a smile. Now it's my turn to have my mouth hang open. I'm having a boy!!


"Okay Vicktoria where would you like to go first," I ask the birthday girl as we walk around the mall pushing Princess Emily,Prince, Chase, and Dominic while Amy, Riley, and Damon's mom Peggy help us watch over Prince Ryan, Princess Raven, Vicktoria, Sophia, and Dani. They are also watching Haley and I they just won't admit it.

"I wanna go in there," Vicktoria yells pointing at claire's. I nod and start pushing the double stroller, holding Emily and Chase, towards claire's with everyone behind me. As soon as we enter the store all the little girls run straight to the Frozen section, but then I stick my tongue out at them, making them laugh even more. "Luna's aren't suppose to act childish," Riley picks on me. " I may be a Luna but I am still a child. Remember I'm only sixteen," I smirk as I remind them. With that Haley and I walk off to another store leaving to watch the girls. I look at Haley with a evil grin and she returns it knowing right where we're heading. Spencer's!!!

As soon as we get in we head straight to the back. I start picking up adorable little onesies for my little man. I find a black one that says "Mommy's my favorite girl' and I just had to have it I even found a cute little bib that said ' Ain't no airplane going in my mouth'. I just thought it was too adorable. I end up buying five onesies, 3 pacifiers, 4 bibs, 6 pairs of socks all for my little Ethan? Yeah Ethan that's what his name will be. Ethan James Ryan ... I love the sound of that.

A/N: So now we know that Orlando and Kenzie are going to be having a boy!!!! Also she's going to name him Ethan James Ryan. By the way the James as a middle name is not because of the doctor but because that is Orlando's middle name as well!!!

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