Chapter 4: Brothers

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Seto's POV

Brice looked at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see." I smiled cheekily.

"Why do you always make things so difficult to understand?" He asked.

" 'Cause I can." I replied in a 'duh' tone. "See ya Bricey!"

"Bye..." Brice sighed.

I turned off my Skype. "That makes sense right? 'By piece by piece it'll get bigger, but by piece by piece it will go up or down or the same, but by piece by piece your whole future will change...' That's not what I intended to say... Oh well it still makes sense." I muttered. "A bit."

I went back to the main room. "Speak up!" I heard Ty command.

Sukio was sitting on a chair with a nervous expression with Ty towering above him. "Sukio, I swear to god!"

"You swear to god, what?" Sukio challenged.

"Sukio, you're acting suspicious!"



"I'm not acting suspicious!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you ar- oh, hey Seto." Ty turned over to me. "Could you make him speak up? He's acting suspicious."

And I'm not? "Ok..." I replied. "I guess so."

"I'll be off." Ty walked out of the room.

I walked over to one of the chairs beside Sukio. "Sukio, what's happening?"

"Well... You know how I said that I might have a twin brother a while back?" Sukio asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well, I found him." Sukio whispered.

"And that's bad, how?" I tilted my head to the left.

"He's an agent. Brandon "Bashur" Ashur..." Sukio muttered.

"That one that you told us about?"



We were in silence for a bit until I spoke up. "Y'know what? We're going on a partner mission."

"Huh?" Sukio asked, confused.

"We're going to try and get your brother captive." I answered.

"Ok... I guess..." Sukio replied.

"Sukio! Stop being so unsure! This is gonna be good!" I commanded.

"Well, I'm nervous!" He threw his arms up in the air. "What if we get caught? What if Ty finds out we're doing this just to get my brother? We would be sooooooo dead!"

"Do you wanna find your brother or not?" I challenged.

Sukio paused for a bit. "... Yeah."



"Yeah, that's a good idea." Ty approved of our mission. "Spy on the Agents, and try to capture at least one of them."

"Getting into the base is gonna be a problem though." Quentin pointed out. He handed me a computer. "See? The security systems are insanely good." (The map is on the top)

"Why's there so many blank spaces?" I asked.

"The whole layout wasn't there, I can't get the other bit of the main floor, I can't get anything regarding to the basement and the next two floors above the main one." Quentin sighed. "Subs getting you a few things that you'll need."

Sub came out and put a brief case on the ground. He unlatched it and opened it up. Sub looked at us and wrote on his notepad. 'Ok, so there's some disabling items in there, some communication stuff, lock picks, devices that can disable security codes and stuff and that's pretty much it.' He closed it up, handed it to me and wrote, 'Good luck, you're gonna need it.'

"Thanks Sub, thanks Quentin." I smiled. "Now where's Sukio?"

"I'm coming!" Sukio ran up to me. "I just had to grab a weapon case!"

Ty threw me some keys. "That's for the car on the very left. Now go, and good luck."

We ran out to a black Tranzam. "I love this thing, even though it's old." I remarked, and put the brief case in the trunk.

"It looks so boss." Sukio agreed and put the weapon case in.

I got into the drivers seat and Sukio got into the passenger. "Hey Sukio, I have an idea to get into the base." I informed.

"Really?" Sukio asked. "Shoot!"

"Well... If you look a lot like your brother, maybe you can discise yourself as him!" I suggested.

"Yeah! I just needa..." He took out a comb and a spray bottle. Sukio sprayed some water on his hair and combed it down. His hair was still a bit messy, but that's ok. "Now I need to flip around my glasses." Sukio took off his red 3-D glasses and flipped them so they looked normal. "I also have fake teeth so they're not so pointy!" He put in a set of fake teeth. "I'll just hide my tongue!" He smiled. "And now I have to talk like him based off of the videos..." Sukio coughed a bit. "Hello, I'm Bash! I don't like blood or death and I'm a wimp!" Sukios voice was a little less high pitched. "And we are good to go Set!"

"Don't call me Set." I sighed.

"Well I will, just 'cause it annoys the shit outta you!" Sukio laughed. "Oh, I'm the most annoying person here, huh?"

"No one can beat you Sukio." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! Oh! Look! It's the agency!" Sukio stood up and pointed at it excitedly.

Oh yeah, we don't give a damn about putting on seat belts by the way.

It was a huge, obsidian building, with iron and other stuff on it. "K, so I'll go threw the vent and you go though the front." I informed. "Don't screw up, Sukio."

"Pshhh... When have I screwed up?" Sukio smiled.

"Whenever you murder people in front of security cameras, steal stuff in front of security cameras, mock police and security... I can go on and on..." I smirked.

"Aw, come on!" Sukio looked at me. "Then it's no fun!"

"Sukio..." I sighed.

"Ugh, fiiiiiine!" Sukio whined. "I guessssssss..."

"Ok, lets grab the cases and split stuff up." I commanded.

We split stuff up. I took a shotgun and some throwing daggers out of the weapon case. Sukio picked his crowbar and a handgun. We both had two packs of bullets too. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yup!" Sukio smiled. "Now, let's give it everything we got!"

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