Chapter 5: Sneaking In

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Sukios POV (ooh, very spoopy XD)

I was waiting in the car. Seto already went into the vent. He told me that he's gonna tell me when to go in. I looked in the glove box. Ooh, watermelon candy.


"Hey Sukio?" I heard Seto's voice from my communication device.

"Oh! Hey Set!" I smiled. "Can I come in?!"

"Yep." Seto replied. "I got him locked in his room. And if you're wondering where his room is, it's the back of the rooms on the left. And there's a clear device you can put on your neck and you can have the exact voice of Bash, you can talk like him too."

"Seriously?! Dude, that's awesome!" I shouted. "Lemme put it on..." I grabbed the device and stuck it to my neck. "Ok, we're good to go!"

"You don't really sound like yourself anymore, Sukio. That's good." Seto commented.

"Good. So... Can I... Um, go in?" I asked. Holy crap, I don't sound like myself at all.

"Yep." Seto replied. "Go on Sukio."

I grabbed my weapons and got out of the car. Wait... "Hey Seto..."


"Um, wouldn't it be suspicious if I came in from the front door when Bash is in his room?" I asked.

"You're full of questions, aren't you?" Seto chuckled.

"It's just because of the device." I pointed out.

"I know that." Seto sighed. "And just use the vents. I'll shine a light down the vent so you can see me."

"Got it." I replied.

I went to the vent and saw that it was already open. I started to crawl through it. I heard people talking. "Bash still hasn't came out of his room."

"Well, maybe he's still a bit shaken up."

"Yeah, maybe."

I crawled a bit faster and a few minutes later I saw a light. Hahaha... I'm dyeing... To the light Sukio... To the liiiiiiiiight! "Sukio?" Seto whispered.

"Hey." I greeted.

"So I'll be waiting in the car for you. Get Bash and the Gravity Deifying hair guy." Seto informed.

"Got it Set!" I replied. "One brother and one gravity hair guy coming up!"

Seto nodded and added. "Dont call me Set."

Ah, classic Seto.

I opened the vent and landed right in Bashs room. Bash saw me and opened his mouth to scream but I covered it. "Shhhhh... Be quiet."

I went up info the vent and went to the car. Seto saw me and opened the door. "You got them already?" He asked. "That was fast."

"Nope." I took off the voice thingy and shook my head. "I only got my brother ya idiot!"

Seto sighed and threw Bash in the trunk. "Now go get the other one."

I nodded and saluted. "Got it chief!" I put the voice thingy back on and went into the building.

"Ah Bash! There you are!" I saw Adam, the leader of the agents walk up to me.


I smiled sheepishly and waved. "What took you so long?" He asked.

"Um, shaken up? Yeah, that." I stammered.

Dammit, I'm gonna blow my cover... Quick, think of an excuse to get the Gravity-Hair guy Sukio! Think! "So, how are you?" A guy with a checkered jacket, I think his name's Mitch asked.

"Fine now I guess." I shrugged. "Can I talk to you?" I pointed at Brice.

"Yeah, sure." He was sitting on a chair and gestured for me to sit.

Haha nope, not here you idiot. "Privately." I added.

"Ok." He nodded.

We went into his room. "Put stuff in this bag." I threw a bag to him. "We'll be gone for a while."

"Wait... Why?" He asked.

"Seceret mission, Adam told me, he doesn't want anyone to know."

"Got it." He started throwing stuff in the bag.

While he was doing that, I got a gag ready and I took off the voice thingy After he was done he turned to me. "Ok lets-"

"This is a kidnapping!" I whispered and gagged him. "Lets get!"

I jumped into the nearest vent and dragged him behind me. He was holding the bag with his stuff in it. Good. We got out. "Set! Keep Bash down!" I commanded. "I'm throwing the guy in the trunk!"

"Got it!" Seto shouted, opened the trunk and held Bash down.

I threw the guy in the trunk and closed it quickly. "Let's go!" I exclaimed and we started to drove away.

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