Chapter 1: The Agency

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Brices POV

"Again?" I was on a phone call.

I sighed and leaned against my polished wood office desk. "Yes... Yes right away. Bye."

I hung up and dialled in another number. "Hello Adam."

"Yes Brice?" He asked impatiently.

"Round up everyone asap." I replied.

"Why's that?" He questioned.

"It happened again." I gulped.

"Well crap..." I could hear Adam tapping his fingers on something over the phone. "Get to the front entrance... We leave in five."

"Ok." I replied and hung up.

I ran my fingers through my gravity defying yellow hair. Not blonde. Yellow. I grabbed a few weapons I left in my office for emergencies. Shot gun, tazer and a billy club. I don't even know why I have that.

I ran down to the front entrance. "Is everyone here?" Adam asked.

We all nodded. "Ok, there's another murder." Adam explained.

Groans emerged from everyone. (No not those kinda groans you dirty minded dinguses XD) "We're going to Trayaurus Labs." Adam looked at us. "Now!"

Adam; code named Sky, was taller than most of us here at the agency... And really the oldest at 23. (Idk their real ages so I'm making it up) He has brown curly hair, a suit jacket with a yellow tie most of the time, suit pants, sunglasses and golden eyes... Or as he likes to call... Butter eyes. He's also the leader.

"And remember!" Adam called. "Call each other only by your code names! If the assassins did this, they already know our last names, they don't need to know our first names too!"

Jerome ran up to me. "Ad- Sky, said your coming with me and Mit- er- Bajan to the scene... Man, I hate code names!"

"Don't we all?" I chuckled.

We got into the car and Mitch was already there. "Ready?" He asked.

We nodded. "Ok, let's do dis doods!" Mitch smiled wildly.

Jerome; code named ASF, is very interested in baccas and wants to be one himself. He's very childish even though he's 19. He always wears a bacca toque except on missions. He has straight dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and a suit with a red tie.

Mitchell; otherwise known as Mitch; code named Bajan, is a Canadian. He's also very childish at 18. He looks unprofessional wearing a checkered hoodie, jeans, white undershirt and a dog tag. He has hazel hair whichs usually in a quiff. (I think that's what it's called :/ ) He also has hazel eyes.

Now me, Brice; code named Solace. I'm an Australian, considering my thick accent. I'm 20 and I also look pretty unprofessional, I don't wear a suit. Instead, I wear black a long sleeved shirt with two orange stripes by my wrists and a gold ingot. Don't let Adam tell you it's butter. Just don't. I have black sweats, gravity defying yellow hair. Don't call it blonde. It's yellow! I also have piercing ice blue eyes. I'm Adams right hand man.

"Here we are, Trayaurus Labs." Jerome gestured to the huge gold and iron building.

I sighed. "Jerome, I've been here multiple times..."

We pulled into an alleyway by the lab. Everyone was already parked. "TDM should be here by now..." Ian muttered, then looked up. "Verse! Get the kits please!"

"R-right!" Bashur nodded and jogged over to the vehicles.

Ian; code named Ssundee is 22 and a skilled hacker. He usually wears an unbuttoned black jacket with a navy blue undershirt underneath and black jeans with a belt with a golden buckle. He has dark brown hair and stubble and navy blue eyes. He always wears sunglasses like Adam.

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