Chapter 2: Sukio

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Brices POV

I followed the red dot on the tracking device. I stopped at a door to a huge blank room with one glass wall and a glass ceiling. This must be where they test stuff. I thought. I looked to the left of the room and gasped.


Holy shit it was terrifying.

His back right leg and front leg limbs were cut off, he had a slit throat and there was a big chunk cut out of it and a big 'PS' carved into his side. "Not again..." I muttered.

This was done by those damned British assassins. "They came back..." I murmured. "After two years they came back..."

Then I heard a thump behind me and there was a dagger at my throat. "Still too slow eh Bricey?" Someone chuckled.

I recognize that voice all to well. "Seto." I growled.

"Yep! That's my name, don't wear it out!" He exclaimed.

Then I heard running. "Solace? Solace where are you? We have to go now!" Ian called.

Seto removed the dagger and smiled. "I'd best be going Brice, here." He placed a little gold shard of a diamond in my hand. "There's your sixth one Bricey, see ya later."

Seto ran out a door in the left of the room. I shoved the diamond shard in my pocket and turned to the door. "Oh! Solace, there you are!" Mitch smiled.

"We thought you died!" Ian shouted.

"I just got lost on the way here, that's all." I shrugged.

Jason looked over at Terrence. "Holy shit..."

Adam shuddered at the sight, while Bash passed out. "Welp, we better get going..." Jerome muttered.

We started to walk out of the lab. Dan was muttering things to calm him down. We all got into the vehicles and drove back to the station thingy in silence.


"Wait... So we all had to fight at least one assassin?" I asked.

Adam nodded. "I had to fight Deadlox, Jason had to fight Brotato, Bash had to fight Phyco, Ian and Dan had to fight Kipz, Mitch and Jerome had to fight 90 and Bodil, Mango had to fight BC and Otaku and you had to fight Seto."

"Mine was o-one hell o-of a fight." Bash stuttered. "A-and I know Ph-Phycos name..."

"Really?" Ian asked.

"Sukio." Bash replied.

Ian took out his computer and typed 'Sukio' into the search bar. He clicked on the criminal website that appeared. It read:

Name: Sukio the Basher (last name unknown)
Code Name: Phyco
Age: 17
Group: BKA (British Killers of Assassination) (assassins)
Appearance: Messed up light and dark green hair, razor sharp teeth, long tongue, red lensed 3-D glasses, blue button up shirt with purple flower designs, red and white plaid shorts
Relationships: Supposedly he has a twin but no one knows who it is or if the supposed twin is real
Number of Arrests: 25
Number of Times Went to Court: 57
Status: Weapon designer, serial killer and hacker
Flaws: Always kills with a crowbar, leaves the letters 'PS' in every kill, loves watermelon, uses a GPS a lot, has a soft spot for his lost twin who may or may not exist

"Holy crap..." Adam muttered.

"There's a video." Ian pointed out. "Should I click on it?"

Adam nodded.


Sukio was standing up with an insane smile on his face. There were dead bodies behind him and he was twirling a diamond crowbar like a baton in his hand. Five police ran in.

"Why hello boys!" Sukio smiled warmly. "Never would've thought you will all be here!"

The police looked in shock at the bodies in the blood stained room. "Oh! You like my collection? Collected them this morning!" Sukio laughed. "Just a bash! And a wham! And a whack! Then they're dead!"

The police raised their guns and Sukio gasped in shock. "You wanna kill me after I did all this work?! How offensive and rude!" He walked over to one police men and pushed the gun down. "You really ought to think 'bout what you do before you do it, 'cause I take offence very easily! And I don't forgive easily! In fact, I won't forgive you at all for tying to shoot me!"

Sukio smiled like a madman, raised his crowbar and bashed the police man on the head. The police man collapsed and blood rushed out from his head. "Who next?!" Sukio grinned.

"Y-you won't get away with th-this! There's s-s-security cameras everywhere!
E-e-everyone will know y-you done it!" One of the police stuttered.

"Well duh! Of course! I knew there were security cameras here in the first place! Hell, that's why I'm doing the killing here! Jesus you're so stupid." Sukio sighed. "Nowwww..."

"Wham!" Sukio bashed another guy.

"Ka-pow!" He used his crowbar like a baseball bat and a police man hit the wall.

"Zam!" Sukio hit a guy in the stomach and the guy started to cough out blood.

Sukio stalked toward the last guy and cornered him. "Well, well, what should I do with you? Should I sock you? Bash you? Baseball bat you?" Sukio looked up and saw a vent above the police man. "Aha! I know what I should do! Feish!"

Something blue quickly darted down, landed on the guy's head and stood beside Sukio. It was Kipz. Another insane killer in the assassins. "Do I kill him?" Kipz asked.

Sukio nodded. "Go crazy."

Kipz took out a double-barrel shotgun. "Buh-bye!" He smiled and started shooting the police man over and over again.

Blood covered the room. Sukio and Kipz made sure the people were dead and looted them. They looked at the camera, smiled, and waved. Then they went back through the vents.


"Oh-oh god..." I breathed out.

"That was horrible..." Dan muttered.

"Well, we know one assassin's name... We can get the other names probably quicker now." Adam reminded.

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