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This hour drive was taking excruciatingly long. I plopped in the Iron Maiden CD, Killers; the cover had a gremlin-like creature holding a bloody weapon, standing in front of buildings. The guitars of Drifter immediately start blaring out of my speakers. I speed down the highway towards Tyler's hometown. I had to save my bean.

"You have arrived at your destination," beeped the GPS.

I parked the car outside the big house. I get out of my car, lock the door, and take to the house with a sprint. I barge inside the house looking around. There were people everywhere, loud pop music blaring and bodies on bodies dancing.


Where was Tyler Bean?

I look through the crowd in the living room for him and fail. I move towards the kitchen- no sight of him. I run up the stairs to the second story. He's not in the two first rooms, but a few other people are... I creep open the third room's door and see four high school boys.  I could defiantly tell the brown haired, green eyed, muscular boy with a smirk, was their leader by his deafening posture and the way the other three boys were nearly to the side. Anger flashes inside me when the brown headed teen speaks.

"O.M.G." He breaks for a laugh. "Did you see Tyler's face?" Another laugh. "when we took his phone and punched him senseless?"

"Yeah, Jackson. And he was completely  drunk, man," states the shoulder-dirty-blonde haired one.

Jackson. I frown even more.

"He was also stoned," speaks up the spiked green haired boy, whom was more muscular that the leader.

The other boy, a black haired, lanky, short boy, stood quietly, probably wishing he had just stayed home and watched the stupid movie with his mom.

I leave them to their talk to continue my search for Tyler.

I'll come back for them later.

I find the guest bathroom and open the door with one hand, and turn on the lights with my other. I find Tyler laying inside the tub, curled into a ball. From what I could see, there were cuts and bruises all around his arms and legs and face. I shook the boy awake. He groaned and mumbled, "Mom, I'm getting up. 'Just gotta go... get some more..." He giggles. "drugs."

I roll my eyes at his stoned, drunk state. I pull poor Tyler out of the tub, both of us groaning. I pull his arm around my shoulder and take him downstairs, having a little trouble with growing down the steep stairs. Everyone in the lobbing room were still practically screwing each other. I push threw the crowd towards the front door. I finally get outside and near my car, when Jackson, of all people, taps me on the shoulder and punches me straight in the face. I accidentally drop Tyler to the floor; he curls back into a ball. I look back at Jackson, and he's turned around laughing with his minions. I copy the leader and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and I punch him in the gut. He doubles over and I knee him in the face. I felt a crack go through my knee. I broke his nose.

I could hear sirens on the distance, coming closer. One of the neighbors must have called the cops because of all of the commotion. Crap. Tyler and I had to get out of here. I took the opportunity as Jackson laid on the dirty ground. I pulled Tyler up and dragged him to my car. I pushed him inside and ran to the drivers side. I start the car, looking over at the four bullies. Jackson was pointing in my direction, barking orders at the three. I put the car in gear and take off.

We shoot off towards Tyler's house, wherever that is.

I guess I'd have to get the information from him.

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