Chapter 5

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Stoick left the teens, and the rest of the kids with the elders, and ordered the group to watch, and protect, Hiccup. The teens weren't too happy about this because they were trained to fight but now they were stuck on babysitting the chief's runaway daughter. It was boring for a few minutes until Hiccup came to. She weakly pushed herself up into a sitting position and tried to stand but was about to fall onto the floor until Toothless caught her with his head. He gently pushed her back up into a standing position and stood up with her while she leaned against him for support.

Breathing in and out hardly, Hiccup could feel the pain subside and thought it was over until she jinxed herself. The pain came back and hit her at the ribcage then began to move all around her body. She cried out in pain as it made her feel some type of pain that she had never felt before during her six months of training. The teens wanted to do something but Toothless blocked them from doing so and stood protectively over Hiccup while trying to free his tied-up wings. It didn't seem to work because there was one-too-many ropes wrapped around his wings and there was even a couple of chains attached to them as well.

He would use his fire power, but the village had placed a muzzle around his mouth to prevent him from using his firepower to escape. His tail was also wrapped up tightly to make sure that if he flew, he would just be falling downwards onto the ground. 'A downed dragon, is a dead one' was the motto for each generation on Berk when they wanted to know how to kill a dragon. 

Hiccup cried out louder in pain as her bones began to shake and shift into a different form. They began to grow outwards from her back and form something that would be familiar to everyone in the Great Hall. Aden wanted to help but there was nothing he could do. He knew what was happening and wanted to apologize to Hiccup for tormenting her but it would have to wait until the shift was over. Black ivory wings sprouted from Hiccup's back and black scales formed on her cheeks, around her eyes, and on her forehead while making their way downwards towards her chin underneath her neck and heading towards her arms and legs. Sharp black claws formed where her hands and feet should've been and her eyes turned from green to yellow slitted eyes. The scales on her hair parted from the hair and weaved around her head like a crown and the leaves were scattered into weaving into her long wavy loose hair. A tail never formed behind her but instead formed on the other side of each leg to help with steering. Lastly, sharp spikes poked out from her back and stopped just below her waist.

Soon enough the pain subsided and Hiccup lay on the ground breathing hard as if she had gone into labor. Are you okay Hiccup?  Toothless asked with concern as he walked over in front of Hiccup's view and shaded her from the teens view of seeing Hiccup's full transformation.

"Yes, what happened?" Hiccup asked as she was about to push herself up from the ground but stopped when she saw the back of her hand covered in ivory black dragon scales.

Looking at herself, the sleeves of her outfit was gone, the leggings were gone, but the daggers and their holders still remained in place, her shoes were gone, and the back of her outfit was torn and ragged in spots where the wings and spikes had sprouted from. You shifted Hiccup. You are a rare kind of shifter and the most powerful of all. That is why the god's chose you Hiccup. You are a...

Toothless was about to say what kind of shifter Hiccup was when the doors to the Great Hall burst open again and there stood a group of outcasts with weapons in their hands. The teens, excluding Hiccup, stood in a fighting stance while Toothless stood in a protective stance in front of Hiccup. The leader strode forward to where the kids cowered in fear and smiled smugly before saying a scratchy voice, "Who's ready to die first?"


Stoick the Vast fought against two of the last group of outcasts before Spitelout came behind them and knocked them out with his spiked mace. Smiling at his brother, Stoick then ordered the rest of the Vikings to take the knocked out outcasts to the prison cells. The battle seems to have been won when the Vikings heard screams coming from the Great Hall. "Hiccup," Stoick whispered softly in worry for his child.

Quickly, everyone ran towards the Great Hall and found the doors busted open. They peeked inside to see Savage and his group bind the kids together. Stoick could tell they planned to use the younger generation of Vikings as hostage for something Alvin the Treacherous wanted. Suddenly a black shape flew against the doors before disappearing. Everyone blinked and looked at each other confused before peeking back inside to come up with a plan to save everyone in the Great Hall. But before they could all hell broke loose inside.


Hiccup had finished cutting the ropes around Toothless's tail and now just needed to pull the muzzle off in order for Toothless to use his fire power against the Outcasts. Toothless made sure to keep her well covered in order for their plan to work because Hiccup was just a newly shifted Viking. She wasn't supposed to gain her abilities of what she shifts into until the second shift next week.

Finally Hiccup had gotten the muzzle off of him and he let out a roar of defiance and attacked the Outcast's group. One by one, they were knocked unconscious while Hiccup ran forward and cut the ropes off the children and urging them to the back of the Great Hall within the shadows to keep them safe. Once when she got the last child out of the ropes, with everyone in the back of the room including the teens, Hiccup was about to help Toothless out when she was grabbed from behind. A sword was placed at her throat.

She let out a yelp of surprise and fear as the person holding her was about to kill her. Toothless just finished knocking out the last outcast when he heard Hiccup's yelp and turned to see Savage holding Hiccup in a threatening manner with his sword against her throat ready to kill her. Savage grinned with smugness of what this dragon would do to the village when he knew that this dragon valued the newborn shifter with his life. "So sad to see your human go isn't it dragon," sneered Savage as he pressed the blade closer against Hiccup's throat drawing a little bit of blood.

Toothless growled angrily at what Savage said and some of those words were not even what Hiccup could even guess at what the dragons described it as. But she couldn't hear what Toothless said because she kept struggling to find a way out of the situation she was in. "Say goodbye to your weak  friend," Savage spat out as he pushed the blade backward against Hiccup's neck.

Hearing that word made Hiccup angry. So angry to the point that she felt something within her glow for a few seconds then come out in a blinding exploding boom of light green power. Fog swirled around for a moment until it subsided and vanished leaving everyone to watch in awe and shock at Hiccup. Her shifting form was taken to a whole new level with her spikes glowing a bright light green color, her eyes burned green, her scales rippled around to form green markings, and her hair was moving with invisible wind, that wasn't even in the room, while burning in a green aura. This was why she was chosen in the first place by the gods. Hiccup was a dragon shifter. But not just any dragon shifter. A rare one. A Night Fury dragon shifter.

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