Gift of the Night Fury

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(A snow view of Berk shows)

This is Berk, a very cold island that will give you frostbite that paralyzes you all over. The only holiday that is the upside, is an event we call Snoggletog.

(Hiccup and Heather's home shows before going to Hiccup's bedroom where she and her foster sister slept together on opposites sides of the bed.)

Why our ancestors chose such a stupid name remains such a mystery to us. But with the war long over....

(A Night Fury whines outside and bounces hard against the house to wake the girls up. But Hiccup just pulled her bed sheet over her face while Heather opened her eyes, got up, and began to get ready.)

And the dragons living among us..... This year Snoggletog....

(The Night Fury keeps whining again and bounces hard on the roof of the house twice while Hiccup rolled against her bed before falling off the bed and hit the floor hard with a yell.)

Promises to be the one to remember.

(Laughs) "Are you okay sis?" Heather asked laughing as she finished getting ready and comes over to help Hiccup up.

"I'm fine sis and I'm already up so might as well meet Toothless for our flying session," Hiccup replied grumpily before standing up and grabbing a circular headband her mother made for her before she passed.

Heather just rolls her eyes and walks down the stairs to meet up with Stormslice to help with Snoggletog preparations. Shaking her head, Hiccup placed on the headband and took a look at it in the mirror. It had been an early Snoggletog present from her father a month after she had woken up from the battle against the Red Death. Placing her hair into a braid, she placed on her arm guards and left out the shoulder guards before placing on her shawl and leaving out her weapons to make sure she doesn't accidently stab herself, or Toothless, on their flying session. But she did keep a few daggers in her hidden compartments on her arms and legs. Smoothing out the wrinkles in her dark green wrapped shirt and her brown leather skirt, wrapped sideways, she breathed in deep before walking outside to greet her morning waker.

Yawning, Hiccup came outside to see her dragon, Toothless, standing on all fours of her rooftop waiting for her. "Well good morning Mr. Bossy Pants," she said to her dragon sarcastically as she walked over to the side of her house to meet up with Toothless.

Toothless just laughed from his throat not even replying to her sarcasm. Hiccup did the same thing happily. "Do you always have to wake me up so early to go flyiiiiing..."

As she was about to finish her question, her prosthetic leg slipped on ice making her fall forward about to fall but Toothless caught her in time using his head before helping her stand back up on the ice. "Stupid leg," she muttered to herself angrily as she tapped her prosthetic lightly against the ice while balancing herself with her one brown fur boot.

Are you okay Hiccup? Toothless asked concerned.

"It's okay bud. I'm alright, we can go flying now," Hiccup said in reassurance as she stroked his head lightly while smiling.

Then Toothless blew into her face, that sounded like a burp and smelled disgusting, which made Hiccup groan and yell out, "Eh!! what the?! EW! Toothless!!!"


The duo soared high into the sky before flying into a straight line above the clouds. They moved past the high rocky mountains and swerved around the clouds before coming into a straight line. "Okay bud, you ready to try the new move?" Hiccup asked as she saw a small platform and readied herself to let go of Toothless and jump high over it.

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