Chapter 1

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Hiccup watched from her window as Berk prepared for another raid. She sighed and flopped down onto her bed. It was not the dragon's fault that they were raiding, she should know because there was something else out there. The reason she knows that was because Hiccup was born with the ability to talk to dragons and found out the truth behind the raids. Her mother had that ability when she shifted into a part dragon-part fox hybrid. But sadly she was killed in a raid when Hiccup was only 2 years old. People believed that Hiccup would inherit the ability to shift into a hybrid on her 12th birthday like her mother but she didn't feel anything and hope was lost after three years of not being able to shift.

She never revealed to her father that she could understand the dragons language because that could lodge into her father demanding her to know where the nest was to kill the dragons. That would result into a travesty with everyone being killed, even her own father would be killed. Sighing and pulling on a lock of her long auburn hair, Hiccup decided to stay inside the house and lock the windows and doors from the dragons fire.

Being the one who was put down and shunned, she just isolated herself from all the people in the village and her own father. Standing up, Hiccup was about to close the window when she saw a shadow fly past her vision quickly. Blinking in surprise, cause no dragon ever comes near this place since they know about Hiccup's secret and love for peace, she looked out the window and looked left and right before shrugging it off and closing the window shut with a wooden curtain that hung sideways allowing her to pull it down easily instead of having to move it over.

As she was about to lock the curtain in place, something hard hit against it and made her stumble backwards from the impact. Groaning in pain, Hiccup pushed herself upwards into a sitting position only to stop when she felt hot breath against her face. Opening her eyes, she looked to see a dragon as black as night standing before her looking at her with vicious eyes. Human, you have angered our queen with your knowledge of her location. You shall die! snarled the dragon angrily as he was prepared to blast her.

"Please don't kill me! I do know the location but I haven't told anyone because of what your leader could do to my family! Please!! I just want peace!!" Hiccup shouted crying aimlessly while pleading for this dragon to spare her life.

The dragon didn't respond but snarled at her viciously as he was ready to fire at her right now. "Please I haven't killed a dragon in my entire life!!" Hiccup shouted beggingly.

That seemed to stop the dragon from what he was about to do and stare at the pleading human who cried with her right hand against her face, as if to block most of the firing impact, while her left hand was on the floor to hold for balance. You haven't killed a dragon? it asked with curiosity, instead of viciousness it withheld, in its eyes.

Shaking her head no, Hiccup continued to cry while saying "I would never kill a dragon even if they killed my own mother. I know why you guys do it and the war between us only makes it w-w-w worse."

As she finished talking, she just continued to sob more and felt herself hiccupping from the hard impact of breathing too heavily and too fast whenever she cried. The dragon blinked in surprise because his leader declared this human to be the one that ruthlessly slaughtered every dragon species in her path and was even the one that killed its parents. This poor human was the total opposite and was just the opposite of every strong Viking shifter in this place. Listen human, I know it's not a dragon's place to question a human, or their leaders presence, but why aren't you like the other Viking-shifters I encounter? the dragon asked with wonder and more curiosity.

"B-b-because, I can't shift! I'm nothing and useless!!" Hiccup cried out as she sobbed harder and harder.

How can you be so useless when you can communicate with us? the dragon asked wisely.

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