Chapter 10

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Hiccup and the gang ran through the forest towards the village. Soon enough, Hiccup couldn't take it anymore and felt the itch to fly. She shook herself out of it and sprinted faster until they came to see the houses burning and dragons raiding the village. STOP!!!! Hiccup shouted in Dragonese.

The dragons kept going but some stopped to take a look at the Night-Fury dragon shifter before them and became frightened for this girl's life. Seeing the rest were still going, Hiccup dove deeper into herself and pushed out a Night Fury's roar, combined with another species of a dragon's roar, shouting STOP IT THIS INSTANT!!!!

Instantly every dragon species stopped and stared at the girl while she breathed in and out heavily with her eyes glowing green and her hair flowed against the wind with a green aura around it. Snotlout stared at his cousin with awe while he scratched himself behind the ear, one of the downfalls of him being able to shift halfway into a brown furred wolf form, Tuffnut watched with fascination while he lifted white paw to scratch his rabbit ear, Fishlegs just stared in admiration while his bushy brown furred squirrel tail swished across the ground around him, and Ruffnut just smiled, as she believed in girl power, and scratched behind her white wolf ears. Aden on the other hand stared at Hiccup with love and admiration.

A Monsterous Nightmare came forward and asked Who dares to try to stop us from full-filling our leaders wishes?

"You may know me as Hiccup the Weak but I'm Hiccup Horrenda Haddock the third of the Hooligan tribe and now a Night-Fury dragon shifter," announced Hiccup as she stood straight forward against the Nightmare with confidence and defiance.

Hiccup? Wow. You have seriously angered our leader when Toothless took you away from here, the Nightmare said in awe while the Vikings surrounded them to watch and see what the outcome is.

"I know that but I wish for peace. That is why Toothless took me away. To preserve that peace, I have to go into battle against your leader. I just didn't figure that it would be coming up soon," Hiccup admitted truthfully as she gave a weak smile.

Actually it's going to come sooner than you think, remarked Flame the Nightmare Hiccup was talking to.

"Really? When Flame?" Hiccup asked curiously.

A roar sounded from far away that made every dragon cringe with fear. Hiccup went pale with fear while Toothless growled angrily at the dragon's roar while wrapping his tail fin widely around Hiccup as if he was protecting her. "Hiccup what was that?" Aden asked in horror.

"That my friend, is the sound of the battle for peace and freedom begins," Hiccup replied shakily after taking a deep breath in to relax.

The second roar sounded closer that made Hiccup snap out of her trance and mount Toothless before they took off into the night sky. The gang quickly mounted their dragons and flew not far behind them into the darkness of the night. Hiccup could see the outline of the Red Death and knew that this dragon was the same one from her nightmare from a week ago. With determination set into her eyes, she looked over at the gang and nodded her head in confirmation to signal that it was time to start their plan.

She pushed Toothless downwards towards the Red Death and signaled for him to start his Night Fury screech. When he was about to shoot, he dove out of the way to allow Stormslice to shoot her spines at the Red Death and Hookfang to fire at the Red Death with his most mightiest fires of them all. The Red Death roared in pain and began to look for any of the gang to fire at but they flew all highly around in different directions to avoid its blast and avoid being trapped in its gaping mouth. "Fishlegs break it down!! See if we can find it's weak spot!" commanded Hiccup as she flew past him and Meatlug.

"On it Hiccup and after full observing, I can tell that it relies on hearing and smell!" shouted Fishlegs as he flew around as fast as he could.

"Well if it relies on hearing and smell then maybe we can use the hearing against it and make it be the downfall of its strengths! Maybe even take out the eyes while we are at it," Heather yelled as she looked angrily down at the Red Death before flying quickly past Fishlegs.

"I like your thinking sis!! Let's do so! Aden, Snotlout. Try to see if there is a way to take out the eyes without getting close enough for the dragon to swallow us whole!" Hiccup commanded as she flew past Aden and Snotlout as those two flew together creating a small gap for Hiccup, or anyone else, to pass through.

"On it!!" Aden shouted as he banked turned Stormfly to his right to fly in a straight line above the Red Death to observe for any weak points.

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut. Find out if that dragon has a shot limit! Make it seriously mad!! Use your skills!!" Hiccup shouted in a commanding tone as she flew over Barf and Belch while their riders grinned with smugness as to using their skills to make people angry without getting punished for it.

"Don't worry! That is my specialty Hiccup!" Ruffnut shouted as they banked turned right in a circle avoiding Aden and Stormfly as they flew onwards to observe some more for safety precautions.

"Since when you idiot! Everyone knows that I am the more irritating one!! See?" shouted Tuffnut angrily before he flipped Belch's head upside down and started to make annoying noises.

Hiccup flew fastly towards the twins and pushed Toothless downwards before bonking Tuffnut hard on the middle of the forehead. "FOCUS!! And do what I tell you right now or you will have more than just that dragon to worry about!!!!" She shouted threateningly as they flew on past Heather and Fishlegs.

Tuffnut righted Belch's head and was about to move towards the dragon before getting bonked very hard on the back of the head by Heather. "Mutton heads," she muttered angrily as she flew on.

"Heather, Fishlegs. I need a list of possibilities for anything that we would need to prepare for in case if things go wrong!!" Hiccup shouted to her sister while she flew past Fishlegs.

"We're on it!!" they both shouted in unison as they flew together around in a circle whispering the possibilities of things that can go wrong with this dragon.

"Hiccup!! I think if we use Stormslice's and Stormfly's spike shots, and aim carefully, we might be able to take out the dragons eyes without the dragon being able to take us out," Aden shouted as he flew up beside Hiccup while Snotlout flew past them in the opposite direction.

"Okay then, get Heather, relay the plan to her, and tell her to wait for my signal," Hiccup shouted in a commanding tone while she looked down at the Red Death and watched as the Red Death roared angrily at something Ruffnut and Tuffnut did and started blasting at them.

"Okay, on it!" Aden shouted with a solute as he banked Stormfly to turn around in the opposite direction they were flying.

Hiccup waited then saw Heather nod her head in confirmation, as she passed her sister, to show she was ready. Breathing in deep, she opened her dragon slitted eyes and banked Toothless to her left. They veered downwards towards the Red Death and Toothless began his signature screech before blasting the dragon at the head. That was the signal to Aden and Heather to began the first phase of their plan.

Heather pulled left on her saddle, while Aden pulled right on his, to signal to her dragon to head downwards towards the Red Death. She waited and looked at Aden to see him flying downwards and ready. Taking a deep breath in, she yelled inside her head This is for you mom and dad!! This is for my tribe!!

"Stormslice, Stormfly, spike shine! Now!!" both shouted in unison.

The dragons complied and flipped their spikes outwards before shooting them at the Red Death. It hit the Red Death in three of her six eyes. She let out a roar of pain and shot fire everywhere. "Guys watch out!! Don't let her fire hit your dragons!!!" Hiccup shouted in horror.

Everyone maneuvered their dragons out of the path of the fire shot everywhere but not before it hit someone. That person let out a scream of pain. "HICCUP!!!"

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