Chapter 11

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Hiccup felt the pain sear through her left leg hard and felt the burn singe her left wing while singing her left arm and the left side of her face. It hurt like crazy and she let out a scream of pain and agony as it burned like crazy. "Hiccup!!" Heather shouted in horror as she urged Stormslice to fly towards Hiccup quickly.

"Heather! Finish the mission!!" Hiccup commanded in pain.

Heather wanted to help Hiccup but she heard Hiccup and had to do what she says. "Come on Stormslice! Let's finish off this dragons misery!!" Heather shouted to her dragon as she banked turn left towards the Red Death.

She waited for a few seconds before yelling "Now Stormslice!!"

Stormslice squaked angrily at the Red Death, for hurting her friend, and threw her spikes hard at the Red Death's three remaining eyes. The Red Death roared in pain as she was now completely blind and shot fire everywhere a second time. "Dragons!! Evasive manuver!!!" Hiccup shouted as she pulled Toothless's saddle upwards to avoid the fire.

The dragons quickly compelled to Hiccup's command and maneuvered around the trail of hot burning fire. "Hiccup, are you okay?" Aden asked in a questioning manner after the fire trail died down.

"I'm fine but we need to focus on beating this dragon before we can focus on my injuries. Now find a weakness that we can use against the Red Death" Hiccup comanded before she pulled the saddle rings to the right to make the wide circle turn.

"Don't worry!! I'm on it!!" Aden shouted as he flew right and then flew away from Hiccup in a straight line to see for any advantages they could use.

"Ruff! Tuff! Keep making that dragon mad to make it focus on you guys and not us!!" Hiccup shouted at the twins as she maneuvered high over the twins.

"On it!!" they both shouted in unison before diving downwards to the Red Death to finish what they started.

"Fishlegs make sure that the dragon doesn't give us another surprise that makes another one of us injured!!"

"Okay Hiccup!!" Fishlegs shouted as he held onto Meatlug before making her head in a straight line, opposite of Aden, to see what the Red Death would have in store for them.

"Hiccup!! That dragon has wings but it seems like it hasn't used them in a long time!!" Aden shouted as he joined Hiccup on her ride.

Hiccup made a thoughtful noise in her mouth before coming up with a plan. "Aden gather all the dragon riders and tell them to come higher into the sky!" she shouted before heading upwards into the dark clouds.

"You heard the woman!!! Fly higher into the clouds now!!! Aden shouted at the riders.

Heather was confused for a moment, but then decided to follow with what Hiccup was planning cause, as far as Heather was concerned, Hiccup's plans never went wrong. They all pulled upwards on their dragons saddles and started flying high in the sky with the twins not far behind them still yelling out insults to the dragon calling it Yak Dung and Butt-Elf or a Bride of Grendel. The dragon angrily got prepared to shoot at the riders before she stopped when she heard a Night Fury screech. Come out you fools!! She screamed to the Night Fury.

We are not the fools you overgrown fat dragon!! roared a females voice that sounded very human.

Who are you?!?! Show yourself!!! the Red Death roared in anger and with a bit of using her leading powers.

I am someone you tried to get rid of! Someone you feared!! the females voice snarled angrily in dragonese before continuing, you tried to use your dragons against me but that never worked when every dragon knew of mine and my mother's love for peace! When all else failed, you decided to use the dragon that knew the least about me to kill me. You were very clever but now I will be the one responsible for your downfall!! Red Death!! Meet your enemies!!

As that was shouted, shadows began appearing from the clouds and formed into the shapes of different dragon species. Those were her loyal servants that she sends out to get the food for her. On a signal, that the Red Death didn't hear, all the dragons fired at her as one. She let out an even louder roar of pain and started to let out her flames before two plasma blasts were shot at her. Two dark figures flew past her in opposite directions and flew off into the clouds while the dragons flew high into the air, before stopping and flew downwards to fire at her once more. The Red Death let out an even louder roar of pain and was about to shoot fire at the dragons circling high around her when the two dark figures came out of nowhere, once more, and shot two more plasma blasts at different sides of her shoulders. The Red Death had enough of this and spread her huge wings.


Hiccup flew through the clouds steadily but carefully, as she was still a newbie at this, and headed on into the darkness waiting for Heather's signal that the Red Death fell for their plan. They had to make it look like there was another Night Fury helping Toothless. When really, it was Hiccup that flew with Toothless through the clouds and shooting plasma blasts from her hand. She heard something fly behind her that wasn't Heather and looked back to see the Red Death following behind her at a close range. "Oh boy! Change of plans guys!! Fire whenever you feel like it!!" shouted Hiccup in terror as she flapped her wings faster and faster to gain more distance away from the Red Death.

She didn't have to worry about a thing cause the gang caught onto what she said, cause it was in code and part of the plan, and flew downwards in a circle formation making loud dragon noises to confuse the Red Death. The Red Death stopped in her tracks and hovered for a while listening to all those dragon sounds. It couldn't be! How did she manage to round up those dragons in the time she had?!? The Red Death thought in horror to herself.

Then the riders signaled their dragons to double blast. Hiccup flew in formation with the dragons, with Toothless not far behind them, and raised up her hand before clenching it into a fist. The dragons responded and fired at the dragon twice with their fire before flying upwards into the air before Stormslice and Stormfly threw their spikes at the dragon once more before disappearing into the clouds. Angry beyond that, the Red Death flew higher into the clouds to follow the dragons. They evaded around the clouds to avoid her and flew faster. Hiccup quickly flew in with the gang, now riding Toothless, and commanded, "Everyone, get out of here now!!! This next part is mine alone to do!!"

"Hiccup no!! It will kill you!!" Heather shouted in defiance not wanting to leave her sister behind.

"Well if you don't do what I say then the Red Death will kill, or hurt, you guys!! I can't let that happen!! Now go do what I say and keep the village safe!!!" Hiccup shouted in a commanding tone with her voice laced with authority.

The gang hesitated then did what she said by diving downwards out of the clouds so the Red Death can only be focused on Hiccup and Toothless. Taking a deep breath in, and letting it out, Hiccup prepared for this next part of the battle. This was her moment to end it all. "You ready Toothless?" she asked her dragon.

Whenever you want to commence the plan, I'm ready, Toothless replied flapping his wings faster to gain more distance away from the Red Death.

"Let's finish this bud," she said with determination while leaning against Toothless's saddle and holding onto the rings as they went upwards higher into the air to lead the Red Death away from the village and away from her family.

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