Chapter 4

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I let out a sigh and shot back in my chair making sure the door was closed. When it was I turned around to see Tyler face to face with me; it made me extremely nervous. "I uh y-you can't do that Tyler." I couldn't quit stammering. Now I seemed like another teenager girl, nice Sam.

"I can't what," he asked with his blue eyes boring into my own green ones. "Do this?" Without warning he held both of my hands up above my head and slammed his mouth on mine. Without any hesitation I kissed back moaning low. Kissing him was like being drunk and on a haze. He licked my bottom lip hungrily for entrance. I didn't give it to him.

Noticing that I wasn't going to let him in his other hand that wasn't holding both of my hands up slipped like liquid down my stomach and in between my legs. Feeling his finger lace where his tongue was made me gasp. He took his chance and put his tongue in my mouth. I moaned as our tongues danced.

After a few minutes his finger went under my panties and teased my entrance which made me moan again and made himself groan. His concentration was tasty so I bit his lip.

He grabbed my hair and pinned my head back and whispered in my ear, "do not tease me. I will take you right here, right now, over that desk if you do something like that one more time." Those words made me tingle. He kissed down my neck and nibbled here and there until the fucking bell rang.

The rest of the day I hadn't seen Tyler at all which I only assumed he had thought about what happened. I couldn't remember how many students I'd had the rest of the day since my mind was still on Tyler and his lips. I remembered his blue eyes that were solid and memorizing.

At the meeting after school I hadn't paid any attention but I didn't get in trouble for it. I hardly go anyway because they don't have anything to do with nursing type things.

So whenever I was thinking about Tyler's touch on my heat no one paid any attention. Which, in my case, was a good thing.

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