Chapter 9

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Tamera was sitting on my couch reading the back of the chocolate boxes. I took a deep breath and sat on the coffee table in front. I opened my mouth to talk but her finger went up first. "Just let me ask the questions." I nodded.
"Who is that?"
"Tyler Miles."
"How old?"
"What exactly happened?"
"I don't know after I got off the phone with you he just climbed through my window and we did some uh stuff-that I TRIED to talk him out of! But it didn't work."
"It didn't work? So you technically just raped a nineteen year old student?"

Okay that hurt. I looked at her and wanted to cry. "Well," she began again, "you have known him since he was seventeen. It's understandable that you would have SOME kind of feelings for him. SOME. But what y'all did I just can't believe. But don't worry I won't tell."

A big breath I handing known I was holding escaped my mouth. "Thanks."

Monday came around finally! I can't help it I love my job. Danny Velvore, a thin anti-social regular walks in after the second class bell rings. "'Aye nurse! I'm having some pain-"

"Calm down Danny. You know how this works. Sit in the chair, let me pull up your file and then Ill get you in the next room."

I realized that I kinda snapped at him and have myself a reality check to snap my attitude back into place. "Sorry, having a stressful past week." Not really but oh well. He nodded again.

I looked at my computer monitor clicking on his file, checking for his allergies and ect. My train of thought was so focused on my monitor I almost missed my cell phone vibrate. It was, of corse, Tyler.






I rolled my eyes and motioned for Danny to walk into the next room which he did and laid on the chair. I looked at his eyes which weren't on mine, they were on my breasts. I cleared my throat and he met my eyes. "Sorry doc. I'm having some pain in my ribs." I leaned over his side and started feeling up and down his sides to feel for anything unusual. In the corner of my eye I saw his pants rise up. "Listen ill just give you some ibuprofen for the pain. I believe you'll live." I have him two pills and a cup of water. He turned to leave as I said, "and that bulge in your pants can be taken care of in the bathroom." He turned beat red and left. I chuckle at my self and went back to my computer.

About thirty minutes of playing solitaire on my computer Tyler walks in. "Hey. What's my pretty lady doing?"

I grinned, "playing solitaire, bored. Today has been slow."

He came up begins my chair and kissed my cheek. "Listen babe, I really came to see you this time."

"Oh?" I looked up to see him wince then smile. "Okay, lets go ahead."

Tyler walked into the next room and laid down on the chair grabbing his hip and wincing again. This had to be serious. "Okay what are you feeling?"

"Everytime I move it hurts and when I feel like I need to pee it burns so the pain refrains me from peeing. It really hurts. Hurts to breathe, walk, whatever. I need your help, Sam."

"Well one thing is for sure. You're not in my jurisdiction for this kind of pain. Lets go ahead and get you to the hospital."

"I can't babe! I can't pay for that right now. I'm okay. Ill live."

"I'll pay just come on."

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