Chapter 13

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****Sorry evevryone for not updating in such a long time. I've been having some very bad family problems recently and I couldn't find the time or heart to update but now I'm back and now I'm back in business!! So tell me what you think about the new twist of Tyler being diagnosed with Colon Cancer??? Let me know!!!****

"Tyler, sweetie, you have colon cancer and the nurse talked to me and said that we caught it early by a miricle. They can treat you through stages and treatments to get you better but all they're going to do is keep you over night and then you can go home....with me. If that's what you want."

He's silent for a while and the tears came slower now but it still burned my throat. He finally looked at me and asked, "What happened to me Sammie?"

"You hadn't talked to me all day and at lunch I came home to see what you were up to and I found you on the foor not breathing or any sign of movement and it scared me to death. I called 9-1-1 and they sent an ambulence. You had brusing on your skin, deep brusing and when one of the guys from the ambulence gave you an IV your brusing started to get worse and you just started to bleed internally and no one could figure out why. I was waiting out there for three hours and a half so that they could patch you back up and figure out that you have...colon.." the tears kept comming down my face like a waterfall once again, "...cancer.."

I laid my forehead down on his hand and started sniffing. Tyler's cool hand laid on my head and started to rub it gently with a pat here and there. I looked up at him, all puffy eyed and blurry, and he had a grin on his face. "You know, Sammie, I've never seen you cry. Now I think I know why. You look...gross." He started to laugh really loud and hard. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself, really puffy eyed, red sploches everywhere, snotty-runny nose; I was a complete mess. I whiped away my tears and snot. "What the fuck, Tyler." I grin with him, "You're such a goofball! Here I am crying because i'm afraid I'll never see you again and you're just laying there making fun of me! I can't help it that I'm a ugly cryer."

"Baby, I never said you were an ugly cryer, I said it was gross." He chuckles at himself, "come here." I walk over to his bed and he pulles me gently to lay on the side of the bed with him. I lay with him and I could feel his body heat and his rich scent. I loved his smell; it filled me with comfort and softness. I loved being around him with every ounce of love in my heart. His heart beat got smooth again and I started to really feel like normal again, as if none of this scary stuff happened tonight. My eyelids became heavier and my own breathing began to become steady. The one person I love in this whole shitty world is cuddling with me and making me feel loved and at peace.

"Ms. Cobb?" I quickly opened my eyes unaware of the voice that woke me up. "Yes?" My eyes finally focused on a tall male figure in the doorway who I would assume was the doctor. "I have to speack to you." I nodded and slowly and carefully got off the warm bed where I was snuggled against Tyler's warm body. I walked over to where he was standing, grabbing my purse on the way out. We walked through the thick doors to the waiting room and began our way to the cafateria. Then he began talking, "I wanted to talk to you about Tyler's options for his condition." I nodded and headed for the coffee maker with him closely behind me. There are many possabilaties we can take from here since we caught it early, theres many choices you can choose from-" I couldnt let him keep on talking so I cut him off, "Look, Doctor, just tell me what you think is the best move for us to get this out of him."

I can see that my sudden forceful statement startled him but only for a minute. "Well, he's going to have to go through some variations of chemotherapy, that's for sure and in my professional opinion we should schedule an polypectomy. Tyler has stage 0 colon cancer and the polypectomy allows us to look inside the colon  to see if the cancer has spread anymore than usual. After we look and make sure everything is alright, then we can take it out of him with no harm to anything it has spread to." I nodded and took a drink of my coffee, well if everything goes well and as planned, Tyler should be okay. "Doc, that sounds like a great plan to me. When can we schedule?"

"We can schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I'll have my nurse contact you within the next four hours. How did he take the news of his condition? If you don't mind me asking."

"He took it surprisingly well. I told him and at first I don't think he fully believed me until I cried. According to him, it's gross when I cry. Honestly I think that's what lightened the mood. He seems happy still. Almost as if him having colon cancer didn't even phase him. That man has a lot of spirit in him and a boy is hidden in there somewhere."

"Having colon cancer can't be easy, I can imagine. I'm sorry that he has been through this already. It'll be alright in the end I think." I nod. "What is the age difference between you two? I hope this isn't too personal; just in case he needs a new colon, I'd like to be prepared."

"We're not that different. He knew what he was doing to begin with so I'm guessing that since the first day he told me he loved me, he knew he could have me. It's difficult to talk about this because not a lot of people deal with gap age difference but we manage." I shrug taking another drink of my coffee, "besides, we love eachother, that's all that matters to me."

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