Chapter 7

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So glad that today was a Saturday. I turned over feeling the cool morning breeze send chills crawling up my body. This wasn't the first time if slept naked but I didn't remember leaving the damned window open. I walked to it and slammed it shut. Fucking window! I'm freezing my god damn tits off! I crawled back into my bed pulling the comforter over my body and sticking like glue to the nearest warm spot.

I laid on this hard warm soft surface and it was nice. I felt secure and lovely in this moment. I opened my eyes taking everything in. Until. I saw Tyler laying beside me naked as well, mouth wide open, and snoring a bit. Damnit! Fuck my life! Why? Why me? I groaned loudly cursing myself.

I slid on my underwear I had on last night and the shirt. The whole way I went downstairs I was cursing at myself. Why the fuck would you fuck a student. If you get caught you're so fucking dead. You life will be so over. I hit my knee on the island in my kitchen. Ow! "Fucking island!" I yelled at it but it still didn't solve my pain or my problems.

I began cooking eggs and toast when I heard a yawn and footsteps descend my staircase. Fuck. Tyler walked in in only his boxers. When his eyes laid in my face he grinned sheepishly which made me feel so damn guilty. "Morning. Hey, why is it so cold in here?"

I glared at him, "SOMEONE left the window open last night. Besides why didn't you get dressed if you're cold?"

His grin widened, "I dunno." He stretched and sat at the bar attached to the island looking at me.

It was silence until I put our eggs and tots on two plates and have him his. "Yumm, Sammy!" He took a bite and smiled. I didn't smile though, I just turned around back to the stove and played with my food. I couldn't get what happened last night out of my head or the consequences of our actions if we get caught.

I heard him come up behind me and he laced his arm around my waist. "What's wrong babe? What's on your mind?"

I put a lock of my blonde hair behind my ear and look up at Tyler. Even though I was older he was taller. He kissed my forehead. "Whatever it is baby," he said, "we can get through this together."

This nineteen year old was the whole universe I had been looking for in one body. And I was robbing the cradle.

"Tyler, last night was...different and lovely all in one." I felt the tears swell in my eyes threatening to stream down my face. "But we just can't do it anymore. If we get caught," a few hot tears fell making his eyes grow soft, "who knows what will happen. We can get into so much trouble."

His grip on my hip tightened and he wiped the tears falling from my eyes.

"Baby, don you dare say anything like that again. We're going to be together no matter what, okay? Well be fine, we always have been. Now finish eating okay? Dry that pretty face of yours."

I grinned putting more of my blonde curly knotted bed hair behind my ears. "I'm going to go take a shower okay? Be down soon."

I nodded and started eating when he left back up the stairs. I smiled feeling better listening to his words repeat in my head.

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