Chapter 5

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When I arrived home I put my laptop and books on the couch in the living room. I had arrived late because the damn school meetings end at around seven fifteen. Total waste of my damn time.

Feeling weird I took a hot shower letting the heat calm me down and cleanse my body of tension. I dried my hair an changed into a 2XL tee shirt and panties. Since I was at home who was I going to impress? Honestly.

I laid on my bed in my room and dialed my best friends number. Around three rings she answered, "'Sup, Sam?"

Tamera's cheerful voice relaxed me since I was still tense over earlier's events.

"I've had a very. . .confusing day at my job today."
"I told you not to be a nurse at a high school. I mean honestly those spoiled lil ass cracks are legit the worst things ever to manage!" I laughed out loud in surprise. Tamera used to be a counselor at a high school until she went back to school and got a higher degree and is now shrinking adults. She was about four years older than me and it was fun to have her around.

"This one time I came this junior came in and said that she was pregnant. I asked her who the father was she said she didn't know. The other two kids of hers were fatherless too. I was like bitch put your cooch on vibrate! Damn!" Tears began to surface in my eyes.

"No fucking way! You can be serious!?"

I could hear her tsk, "you think I'm joking?! I'm serious! Anyway! What's going on?"

"Well I think I may need to look for other jobs. Things went too far for me today."

"Is your boss getting all touchy touchy? That old bastard!"

"No Tamera. That guy I told you that was a senior and who I was close to? Yeah well things got really intense today. I won't give you the details but it I don't know what to do!"

"You're going after a student now? That's so risky! You can't be serious? Samantha, you better be careful. I'm really serious."

I nodded to myself and looked at my hands which were in my lap knowing she was right. I could loose my license, my job, I could even go to prison. I have to talk to Tyler about this. "You're completely right Tamera. I'm going to talk to Tyler tomorrow-"

"Talk to me about what?" I turned twords the voice and to my horror Tyler was sitting on my window sill looking at me confused. I started to freak. "Uh Tamera, I'm going to have to talk to later. I promise I will something had just come up. Ttyl!" Before she had time to answer I closed my phone.

"T-Tyler?! Wh-what the hell are you doing over here? In my house. Coming through my window?! Are you crazy?" He sat down at the end of my bed running a hand through his dark brown hair. I bit my lol wanted to do that myself.

"Sammy. Don't do that, it's very distracting. Stop." I hadn't noticed what I was doing wrong until I stopped biting my lip and his face relaxed. In one motion I swung my body under my comforter to hide my lower half that was showing under my tee.

"What did you have to talk to me about Sammy?" Tyler's voice was soft which made the next words that came out of my mouth hurt.

"Tyler, we can't keep doing this anymore. This thing with us, how close we are. It needs to stop before we get into loads of trouble."

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