Chapter 12

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I slapped Tyler's cheek and his head jerked. Dammit Tyler! You know I'm not good under pressure! Fuck... I heard the sirens wailing in the distance and I took a sigh of relief. "Tyler, baby, can you hear that? that's the ambulance. You're going to be okay." I looked down at my hand that felt cold; it was covers in his blood. I looked down his shirtless stomach an noticed a bluish brown spot on his ribcage.

A banging on the door let me know the ambulance was wanting to come in. "Yes! Upstairs!" Hearing my voice the two men came in, stomped up stairs in a hurry, and ran to the bed. "Ma'am what's- nevermind. When was he conscious last?"

"I-uh-I don't know. I've been at work since nine. I work at a school but I hadn't had word from him all day."

"Okay," guy number one says, "we've got to get him into the van."

Guy number two pulls up a blue duffle bag and sets it on the bed beside Tyler. "look, that looks like spreading blood."

Guy number one sets him up on his own blue bag and got into guy number twos bag. He got out a stethoscope and started trying to hear a heart beat. "Heartbeat is too fast. The heart is loosing blood flow quickly. We've got to get him to the hospital." The two men load him onto a boards and carry him out to the van.

The sirens ran and echoed through the city as we zoomed through traffic. "Is he going to be okay?"

Guy number two shrugged and gave Tyler a breathing mask. Guy number one injected Tyler with an IV and got a nurses knife and cut Tyler under his rib. In an instant blood poured like a faucet out of his rib cage. "Tyler, oh god!" my tears came swiftly an my breath caught in my lungs and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing.

Guy number one got a large towel and put it on the wound. Guy number two has his finger over Tyler's mouth, "he's not breathing."

The can came to a complete stop and the doors immediately opened and not was then I noticed how small an ambulance really is. Four nurses came in and got Tyler on a gurney and rushed him in the hospital doors with me shortly after. What the fuck is going on?!

My poor Tyler was taken from me to go into surgey to find out what was wrong with him. I had no idea what he had done or had gone through. He was so cold when I got home and I just couldn't think of a life without him. Memories of his soft young face filled my mind and I wanted to have him in my arms again. Trying to get my mind at ease I went from the waiting room to the vending arena hoping they had coffee. To no surprise they did, an automatic coffee dispencer. Pouring my cup and adding cream and sugar, I took a sip and it tasted, literally, like shit. The after taste was even more horrible. Like lame watered down sewer water. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed really wanting to know what has been going on lately.

About an hour and a half later my name was called over the speaker to go to room 35 in the ICU. I walked theough the hall and started the search. My eyes looked at every tan number on the outside of the rooms. The smell of rubbing alcohol and medicine filled my nose making me even more nervous. I finally found it and outside the door was a nurse writing on her silver metal clipboard. "Hey, I'm Samantha Cobb. How is-"

"Miss Cobb, I wanted to be the one who would break the news to Mr. Miles about his condition." My mouth made an O shape and my heart started beating faster. "Mr. Miles has colon cancer. He has informed me after we woke him up that he has had some major weight loss within the past year. Have noticed anything recently that you can remember that was ever odd about his body? Like the weight loss, any anal bleeding or any blood in stool? Anything you can think of?"

I thought for a moment, "well I did notice he has been weaker lately and has had loss of breath. Wait! I remember he had abdominal pain around his ribs and hips. I just thought it was from him fixing my fireplace. It needed tons of work."

The nurse nodded as if it was a reasonable answer for the colon cancer. "Well, we havn't told him about the cancer yet. Dr. Nettle thought that it would be best if the news came from a loved one. We're going to schedule treatment for the next few months and some perscribtions. We caught it early and we hope that we can we can remove it without causing him any permanant damage. He needs to stay here over night to make sure he'll be okay on his own." I nodded and I felt the lumo in my throat form and swell into a  blockage in my windpipes. I didn't want to say anything and the nurse caught it and left me to the silence and the view of Tyler laying down in the bed. 

I silently and slowly opened the door so I didn't wake him up, but as soon as the door closed he opened his eyes and immediatly found me in his vision. "Sammie?"

I ran to his side and sat in the chair beside his cold bed and he grabbed my hand barely picking his head up off the pillow. "Oh sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Like someone beat me with a bat and ran me over with a semi, which I know can't be true because I'm still alive. Why am I in here anyway. You know I hate hospitals and the fact that noone is talking to me about it just pisses me off even more." I smiled and let the tears blur my visions of him. The hot streaks run down my face as I feel like my heart is being pulled out of my chest. " have colon cancer."


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