Chapter 8

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I started drinking my creamer and sugar coffee when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over completely forgetting that Tyler was upstairs in the shower. Or out of it. Whatever.

Tamera was standing outside my glass door holding a box of chocolates and ice cream on top of a pack of Oreos. Wow she thought u was upset.

Well maybe I was upset but not so upset I'd add another three pounds on me. I bit my bottom lip feeling really nervous and opening the door. She hopped on into the house and laid everything on the island in the kitchen.

"Okay so major damage control," she said putting her hair into a ponytail. "Are you okay? Are you feeling better? Saturday is out day. I rented seven movies for tonight and everything."

She was so excited and talking fast I could hardly understand her. But I did but before I could comment her eyes grew wide at something behind me.

I slowly turned hoping that Tyler wasn't behind me. But sure enough when I turned around it was him.

He was standing there listening to everything Tamera had said but the worst thing was that he was bare cheated and in a towel showing the V on his hips. I know I had sex with him last night but damn he looked great.

"Uh-Sam?" I looked back at Tamera and then back at Tyler. Not knowing what the hell I should do I grabbed Tyler's hand and ran up the stairs yelling, "Be right back Tamera!"

Reaching the top I started to search through my dresser drawers. Should I lie and say that this is a guy I've been seeing? No, she's your best friend. She'll keep your secret if not talk some cents in you! "Ugh!"

I found a pair of my dads old shorts and threw them at Tyler then started looking through my closet for a shirt. Honestly? What the fucking fuck? What was I going to do? If I get into trouble my whole life is...ruined. I grabbed an old band tee of mine and threw it at him as well. "Please go change into those and come down...whenever."

He nodded and I went down to talk to my best friend about my illegal one night stand.

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