Chapter 10

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We arrive at the hospital and the minute I walk in with Tyler in the wheel chair a nurse helps roll him into a room asking my symptom questions and relation questions. "What relatives? I'm the only person that cares for this emancipated kid."

The nurse nodded and left the room. I looked down at my broken pain-filled Tyler and I felt like I was in pain. I say down beside him and played with his hair. The nurse gave him some pain killers to numb him up a bit but he was out cold. The doctor came in and I told him exactly what Tyler told me an what he told me gave me a chill. "Sounds like he has a kidney stone that refuses to come out. If it won't let him urinate then that means it's either stuck or it's digging into his tissue. We have to have your permission to operate since he's high with pain killers and a minor."

I nodded, "yes, yes of corse."

The doctor snapped his fingers which let the nurse and they clicked some things on the sides of the bed which turned it into a roller bed. They rolled him out of the room to surgery and sai that I had to either wait in the waiting room or wait in his room. It would be atleast two hours until he comes out. I couldn't hardly function knowing he'd be in pain.

Few hours later the doctor rolled him back in the room after he had surgery and he was knocked out. My baby looked all bandaged up and broken still. Like someone taped him up. I wanted to help him but I couldn't do anything. I was physically helpless. I had the school calling me nonstop but I was so tired from worry and stress that I shut my cell off. Ill deal with the snobs at work tomorrow. I laid my head on the side of Tyler's bed and drifted off slowly.

I felt something in my head rubbing it. My messy hair fallowing the motions. Next came voices with the motions. I recognized the voices: the doctor and Tyler. Tyler? My head immediately shot up as soon as the name registered. I looked at his face and to stop me from doing anything in front of the doctor Tyler put his hand on the side of my face with his thumb over my mouth. The doctor said a few things and wrote some prescriptions and left. Tyler immediately pulled me up. His strong arms pulled me up to where I was sitting on his lap with our lips meeting. I could never get his taste out. "I was so worried. I really couldn't do anything to help." He smiled. "You did just fine."

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