Chapter 14

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Walking back into Tyler's room quietly with my coffee in hand, to my surprise, he was already awake. "Hey, where'd you go babe?" "Your doctor wanted to talk to me about a procedure. I'm going to let them go ahead and do it. I believe they'll let you go in about another week." He grinned at me, "hey, check my jacket pocket. I think I left my cell phone in there. The right pocket.'' I walked over to the chair across the room beside the door where his jacket laid. I reached inside the pocket that he wanted me to and felt a little leather object. Pulling it out my eyes finally recognized it as a box. A little leather ring box. I held my breath as I opened it to see a silver ring. Two silver hearts connected together. The second heart had a large crystal clear diamond in the middle of it. "Samantha Grace Cobb, will you do the honor to marry me?" I look back at Tyler who is sitting up and grinning at me. I bite my lip and smile at him. "Yes, Tyler, l will marry you." He motions with his fingers to walk to him ands it beside him on the bed. l do. He takes the ring from the box and sides it onto my ring finger. He smiles and looks deep in my eyes, "I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else but you. You are my reason for living."


"Tyler, the doctor said for you to not lift any heavy lifting all the rest of this month. You don't listen to anybody!" I crossed my arms string at him walk into the apartment with a large load of wood. "I got it babe. Don't worry about it. It's just wood and I'm not taking it very far." I rolled my eyes and just sat down on the couch in front of the fire place. It's been nearly three weeks after Tyler was released from the hospital and since I quit my job. Tyler was about to graduate next month anyway. He was highly disappointed when I told him I quit but he warmed up to it.

Looking back, me and Tyler went through a lot but we weren't hardly prepared for what will be coming up. Tyler told his parents about the engagement and they weren't not happy about it at all. But they want to have dinner sometime soon. We were also planning on buying a house too! Lots of life changing things but I couldn't be happier. Our wedding would be in a few months since it wouldn't be that big and things might change on the location or how we will do it.

He lays the wood in the fireplace, turns back to me, and smiles a one-million-dollar smile. His wavy hair surrounded his face which made him look really sexy. He stood up in front of me and slid his shirt over his head and tossed it across the room. Oh my. His whole body was toned enough to look like a posterboy for Abercrombie and Fitch. He looked down at me and it made my breath hitch. His eyes darkened as they bore into my eyes. Oh my lord.

His hand rubbed through my hair lightly and slowly as my eyes went from his hips up to his eyes. The darker his eyes got the more my body responded. You've got to understand what I'm going though at this moment. I didn't know how to respond since my brain had been delayed at the moment, so I just leaned my head over slowly and my lips met his stomach. His breath hitched and I looked up to see his eyes closed and waiting. So, I did it again, and again, and again until I felt his member stick out of his jeans. I grinned. Time to play, huh? Grabbing the denim of his jeans, I pushed them down with his underwear and put his whole member in my mouth before he had any objections. He looked down at me so our eyes locked and that's when I started to move. In and out over and over. His look of surprise changed to excitement and that's when he got intense. He put both of his hands in my hair and started to move faster and faster making his member go deeper and deeper. He was definitely in a playing mood. He pumped and pumped until he quivered and his cum came shooting out into my mouth and like a good girl, I looked up to him and swallowed. This would be fun. 

"Listen here, you do something like that again and I'll have t punish you." His voice was very, very deep. It made my stomach warm and melt. My breath hitched and I looked up into his dark eyes and it hit me like a wave. I really did love this man, with all my heart. "I love you, Tyler."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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