Chapter 11

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I smiled like a teenager at Tyler, he tried to sit up a bit more but couldn't manage it fully. He chuckled, "I guess I'm not fully back to normal."

My worrying kicked in, "just be still and well spend the day here. Hold on." I walked out the door and pulled the clipboard out of the plastic cubby on the outside of the room. it read: Patient Tyler Miles- kidney stone infection. Kidney stone was lodged in the kidneys and the tissues. Patient needs days of rest.

I walked back into the room and said, "well you're stuck here babe. Want some dinner??"

He whined and laid back. "Don't make me stay here!!! I hate being here."

I laugh, "too bad."


We had gotten back to my place around eleven that night and we both collapsed into the bed. I rolled on my side an met Tyler's eyes. It was so quiet in my room. "I was really scared today. I didn't know what to do, Tyler."

He leave over and kissed my forehead. "you did fine babe. just fine."

When morning came around my alarm went off for my next day at work. I was exhausted but not as much as Tyler. He was layin beside me, so pale. I laid my hand over his back to feel and he was burning up. His body is throwing mixed signals!

I quickly took a shower and left for work. On the way to my office in the school I stopped by the teachers lounge to grab a cup of their shitty off brand coffee. As I'm steering creamer and sugar together in it, simon, a friend and the juniors algebra teacher, walks in. "You should be a teacher, Sam. The way you helped that kid was so great! You'd be a great mother some day." I smiled at him but said nothing. My head was still on Tyler.

My day was extremely slow. No sick kids just study reports I had to send in and finish. I hadn't heard from Tyler at all today. Has he even woke up yet? it's almost time for my shift to be over. It was almost 2 o'clock. I decide to call it a day and clock out.

When I get home I toss my keys on the counter and lay my purse on the table with my jacket. Walking into the bedroom he's still laying there on his stomach and his head is hidden. Touching his back again, it was cold. Really cold. I rolled his over and saw deep ruby red colored blood leaking out like a thin lined river from his mouth and nose. I run to get my cell and call 911. "Yes! I have a nineteen year old emancipated teenager in my apartment. He had a kidney stone taken out yesterday and now he's on my bed with blood pouring out of his nose and mouth! I need an ambulance please!" I throw my cell across the room and try to wake Tyler up but I can't do it. he won't wake up.

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