Part 3- *No More*

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                 -Harry's POV-

   "Wanna go grab coffee some time?" Louis asked me in the hallway, grabbing my wrist before I could walk away.

  "Sure." I replied hurriedly, and shook out of his grasp before people saw.

  "Great! It's a date!" He smiled, subjecting himself to more bullying.

                 -Louis' POV-

   I walked into the coffee house at the exact time and day we had agreed, actually a few minutes early. I was just so excited!
  I saw him sitting at a dimly lit table in the back, rubbing his arm.
  At first I thought nothing of it, and made my way towards him.

"Hey!" I greeted him.

"Hey." he groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, now starting to be concerned.

"I just got my last and latest tattoo. This makes 53," he half smiled, showing me his red arm which now had a large ship on it.

                    -Louis' POV-

     "So, who do you live with?" I asked, saying what was on my mind to break the ongoing silence.

     "Wow okay." He smiled, indicating this was a personal topic, and I blushed in embarrassment.

     "I'm really sorry, but so far as everyone has seen you've never left school." I said, and he put his coffee cup down while swallowing and nodding.

     "Ya, cause I can't wait to get out of the house. I live with my grandmother Helda, she's a bitch." Harry confessed, and I looked at him in surprise.

    "I'm so sorry!" I said, but he wouldn't have any of it.

     "I mean, it's done, you can't change it." He stabbed back. Pain filling his tone as he turned to look back down into his coffee.

"You could... stay with me?" I offered. More of a question than a statement. He stared at me blankly for a moment.

"You don't have to!" I added, nervous of his response.

"I'll take you up on that." he smiled. I gave him my address. "I'll be over later." We agreed as we said our goodbyes, and he stood up to leave first.
Author's note:

I didn't get a callback. or it could be good.. Idk... Anyway, I know I sorta changed the plot but my friend didn't like it, so yea.... Hope u still like it!! ☺

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