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Hey guys sorry this isn't an update. I just wanted to remind u about a couple things:
So I know not a lot of people read my story, but those who do; Can u tell Ur friends or fellow Larry shippers or just people who like 1D, about my story?
Make sure they have Wattpad! ~lol....
So I just wanted to tell u guys about that ..
And also I'm 15. My birthday was Monday; Dec. 14
Also if u have any suggestions about what should happen in thu story, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO TELL ME.
Leave it in thu comments below.
Also vote, follow and comment

New goal for reminder chapters \ not updates:: 200 words.
Let's see if we can get there! Jk I'm obviously not gonna get there....
*heh, heh*

So um I'm gonna go eat before I pass out... Lunch ends at 11:15 it's 11:04

So yea... have a nice Wednesday!!
I'll update tomorrow.
I promise I'll make up the missed update days... Cause I've been busy!!
Alright bye guys- don't forget to tell your friends or anyone about my story. Thank you for your support- especially Isabel

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