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Sorry this is irrelavant to the book, but I had 2 minutes of free time in math and decided to post about my biology sub- Mr.Morgan.

Or old biology sub My real teachers coming back Monday, or Tuesday for us...
So today was his last day
He's really cute and I'll miss him. Here's a photo of us. He's a good teacher and I will miss him but am kind of excited and a little nervous to see Mrs.Morrison again after having her 2nd baby.
I hope I will see him again....
He's 21.
Mr.Morgan from Oct.7- Nov.13
He will be missed
It is Bad luck Friday

Author's note::
Sorry about my rant about my teacher, I just liked him and will miss him.
In other, less depressing news... And more relevant lol- 1D NEW ALBUM MADE IN THE AM CAME OUT TODAY!!!
I got it on my phone during lunch and couldn't fan girl in school so come on bus Take me home. Ha I'm so clever dont judge me
What are you waiting for? Go get it!!
Hopefully no more bad luck

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