Chapter Two

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Margy couldn't help but making a tiny squeal.


Today was the day she went to go train as a soldier. She was in her uniform, she was sitting on the bus, waiting for her stop.

The bus came and she got on, she looked and saw different rookies in the same uniform on the seats. Margy looked around and sat beside a young nice looking girl, she looked to be the same age as Margy, with scarlet hair and blue eyes.

"Hello." She smiled. Margy smiled too.

"Hi." She replied. "What might your name be?" Margy asked. The girl smirked.

"I'm Taila, Taila Smith." She replied. Margy smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Margy said.

"Nice to meet you too." Taila smiled. "Whats yours?" She asked. Margy shrugged.

"Margy." She replied.

"Which squad did you get into?" Taila asked in curiosity. Margy shrugged.

"I don't know..." Margy replied.

"Maybe we might be in the same one." Taila said with a grin. Margy grinned as well.

"I hope so!" She smiled. The bus made a big turn to the right then up a hill. The bus stopped at a campsite

"We're here!" Taila said in delight. Margy had butterflies in her stomach she grinned.

'Here....' She thought.

"Jeez, Girls... " A boy muttered. Margy's eye twitched.

"Pardon?" She asked. The boy had blonde hair and silver eyes.

"Heh, you heard me. I said Jeez Girls! You guys squeal over everything, and it's annoying! You guys should just go fuck yourselves, In my opinion girls aren't meant to be in the army! You're too weak!" He spat. Margy went right up to the boy's face.

"Margy...." Taila said shyly. The bus stopped and the general went on board to see two privates fighting.

"Oi! Brats! What are you doing?" The general asked. Margy didn't pay attention to him and punched the boy, the boy fell down with a groan.

"Dick!" Margy shouted. Taila sighed ,and all the other rookies laughed their asses off. Margy spat on him and exited the bus, unaware of a fuming general glaring at her. Taila noticed and gulped.

"Pardon her attitude..." She whispered. The general glared at her.

"You know her?!" He spat. Taila nodded fearfully.

"Yes sir..." She muttered quietly. Margy stuck her head in the bus.

"Come on Taila lets go." She said. The general glared at Taila and Taila submissively left the bus with Margy.

Margy was walking down the dirt road towards the camp site. She huffed.

"I. Hate. Men." She hissed. Taila smiled.

"The general is pretty cute.." Taila said with a blush.

"Eh?" Margy said, she looked back. "I don't know...I didn't see the guy."

Taila sighed.



"You're such an airhead." Taila said. Margy glared, but ignored. She shrugged. "Hey look! Where here!" Taila smiled.Margy smiled softly.



"I'm finally a soldier." 

W, for world war 3. A MargyxLevi Story. An AOT Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now