Chapter Nineteen

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Margy was silently sitting on her bed, waiting for her general to return.

Margy gripped the letter on her hands.

'What am I supposed to tell him? Hey Levi I'm leaving you forever?' Margy thought. She sighed, she laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"He'll be crushed." She muttered. "We'll meet again, I know it. but..." Margy trailed off.

'Will he wait that long? Will he even wait at all?... Or... Move on?' Margy thought, her heart twisted at the thought of Levi being with another woman. She looked to the side.

"But I'm sure, if it comes to that, that she'll be able to give him more than I ever could..." Margy mumbled, negatively. In Margy's opinion, she probably knew that he would move on, that he would find someone, else. So her leaving would be like her leaving him forever, and she wasn't ready for that. But.

She took an oath.

To sacrifice for America, Even if it meant sacrificing,

Her happiness.

Margy head the door open and closed.

"What was that about?" Levi demanded. Margy looked at the ground, she hid the letter behind her back.

"Sorry." Margy apologized.

"Don't apologize, tell me why you barged in on a war meeting." Levi asked. Margy looked to the side. She paused for a long moment trying to find the words to tell him. Levi waited patiently for her answer.

"Well?" Levi asked. He might not have shown it but he was worried, deeply about the brunette. Margy sighed and finally pulled the letter from behind her. She gave it to Levi.

"I'll be leaving today..." Margy said. Levi read through it, and his eyes widened a fraction. He regained his composure.

"Are you sure, you want to accept this?" He asked. Margy nodded.

"I don't have much of a choice... I mean if it's for Ameri-"

"I understand." Levi cut her off. He set the letter down and exited the room. Margy watched him go, she blinked and frowned. Margy stood up and walked towards her closet and started to pack her bags.

Levi was walking down the hallways of the headquarters. Hanji walked beside him.

"So, Margy told you huh?"

Levi nodded.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Don't be sad shortie! You'll see each other again!" Hanji smiled.

"When?" Levi asked. Hanji fell silent, no one knew when they were gonna meet again. They probably would never meet again. Levi didn't want that, he was finally given something precious, and it was being taken away from him.

"You know... She's gonna wait for you right? She'll keep waiting until she meets you again. The question is, Levi. Are you?" Hanji asked. Levi looked at her then forward.

"Always." Was his reply.

Margy was outside with the jeep, ready to take her to her new destination. She stood across from Levi, his present in her hands. She looked at it.

"This is for you. I was planning on giving it to you, when you woke up. But I never got around to it. " Margy said, she handed him the wrapped gift. Levi stared at it, then at Margy.

"Thank you." He whispered, and grabbed Margy's head. He kissed her for a long moment, he pulled away and rested his forehead with hers.

"Do you remember when I first kissed you, and I said Je t'aime aussi?" Levi said. Margy nodded. Levi smiled at her.

"It means, I love you aswell." Levi smiled. Margy was shocked, but then softly smiled at him. She nodded and climbed onto the jeep, and it took off. Levi didn't take his eyes off the jeep until it was out of sight.

Levi looked down at his present and opened it. His eyes widened and he held the nice sewn object in his hands.

A white cravat.

W, for world war 3. A MargyxLevi Story. An AOT Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now