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It's been a fuckin damn MONTH!! I just want to Natsumi and I out of here.

And Midnight, he always tries to seduce Natsumi, but she gives him a good leg kick. That's my sister.

Apparently New Grimore Seis is trying to take all out magic away, so that they can use it in themselves.

The door opens. I see Midnight walk in. "Midnight." I growl. "Hello fellow Natsu and my sweet Natsumi." Natsumi mumbles something.

"So we will now, start to drain your magic. This may or may not be painful."

The tubes that were connected to started to feel tighter. I started to fight against it.

"Ah, ah, don't do that or it will painful." Damn him.


The tubes were starting to get tighter. It hurt so bad. I tried to break free, but it was no use, it just made it worse.

Midnight turned off the machine. "Will you two stop moving and just sit patiently?" "No!" we yelled at him.

"Fine then. We tried the easy way, now we'll the hard way!" Midnight went over to Natsu and started to hit him.

He threw punches, kicks, and used some of him magic. Natsu had bruises, cuts, and he was bleeding from his head, lip, and stomach.

"Stop! Y-your hurting him!" I pleaded Midnight. He walked to me and smirked. I wanted to punch his face so bad.

"Let's have fun. Shall we." He took of the chains and carried me bridal style. "NO! NATSUMI! IM GOING TO KILL YOU MIDNIGHT!" "NATSU!"

We left the room and went into another. Midnight threw me on the bed. "N-no, p-please I-I'll do anything." "Oh, Natsumi. I want you."

He ripped off my shirt and bra. "Now let the torture begin."

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